Where to begin? How about chronological order? That sounds good but I am not guaranteeing that I will hold to it.
Well start with Thursday evening. So I was supposed to meet up with MisterSatan and Dreammaker to watch a movie. I get out to my car and I have a flat tire. Wait a sec, I already talked about this a few days ago.
Ok, fast forward. *Imagine me speed tire changing* Friday, so after my bike ride I get home and I want to do something with others. However, nothing really ends out panning out. I ended up playing Neverwinter Nights and then going to bed. I hate those nights where I'm bored and feeling down and I end up going to bed early just to get the night over quicker.
So I get up on Saturday at like 7:30 because I want to take my car in to les schwab to get the brakes checked and replaced, if necessary (they had been squealing horribly). I bring my bike with me so I can have some way to travel. I drop it off and they say it will squeeze it in when they can (I didn't have an appt). I give them my keys and ride my bike home. It takes me about 20 minutes to get home. I get home and realize that I accidentally gave them my apt key as well as my car keys.
Well I was lucky to just catch my roommate leaving for the weekend so she lets me in. I hang out at home for a while and make plans to see The Punisher with my friend Anthony. I jump on my bike and head back down to les schwab to get my apt key and came back. I'm at home for a little bit when I get a call from les schwab and they are telling me that my car needs new bearing on the back brakes and that the front driver side axle was somewhat torn up and needs to be replaced. I'm thinking, "fuuucckkk" The bill that I thought was going to be about $200 ends up going up to $570. Fuck me!!
So anyway, I thinking "I'm not going to let this bother me and ruin my day!" We go to the movie and enjoy it. Anthony drives me up to get my car and we part ways. I drive back home get stuff for the BBQ and head over to vikpreZ's place. I throw back a few and enjoy myself at the BBQ. I had some food, mingled, passed around some Aftershock (mmmcinnamonny goodness!) I was hoping to talk to somebody I haven't really talk to in a while but I never really got a chance.
Any who, everybody left the BBQ except for me (because I was still tipsy and couldn't drive), Tawnya, Tawnya's BF, ooomermaidooo, and vikpreZ. We sat around and talked, ate some olives, and watched vikpreZ eat a marinara covered peep and chase it with some Vodka. So I get home at 3:45 in the morning and go to sleep at 4 am.
I wake up at like 8:15 this morning and can't get back to sleep.
Oh well, so I get up, turn on Resurrection Sunday morning on 107.7 The End (I love that program), get something greasy to eat (thank you breakfast bowls!), and type this up. I think I will call my friend Ryan and see what he's up to today. I was also thinking about watching the disaster movie 10.5 tonight (one of the ads shows the Space Needle falling over which I was told yesterday was an impossibility because of the way it was designed and built).
How was your weekend?
What was the last thing unexpected thing you had to dish out a lot of money for?
P.S. I got trillian so I can IM using aim or msn messenger. I am using the contact name "MrDeity" for msn, "SGMrDeity" for aim, and the email mrdeity@hotmail.com for both. So IM me please! Pretty please with sugar on top!

Well start with Thursday evening. So I was supposed to meet up with MisterSatan and Dreammaker to watch a movie. I get out to my car and I have a flat tire. Wait a sec, I already talked about this a few days ago.
Ok, fast forward. *Imagine me speed tire changing* Friday, so after my bike ride I get home and I want to do something with others. However, nothing really ends out panning out. I ended up playing Neverwinter Nights and then going to bed. I hate those nights where I'm bored and feeling down and I end up going to bed early just to get the night over quicker.

So I get up on Saturday at like 7:30 because I want to take my car in to les schwab to get the brakes checked and replaced, if necessary (they had been squealing horribly). I bring my bike with me so I can have some way to travel. I drop it off and they say it will squeeze it in when they can (I didn't have an appt). I give them my keys and ride my bike home. It takes me about 20 minutes to get home. I get home and realize that I accidentally gave them my apt key as well as my car keys.

I wake up at like 8:15 this morning and can't get back to sleep.

How was your weekend?
What was the last thing unexpected thing you had to dish out a lot of money for?
P.S. I got trillian so I can IM using aim or msn messenger. I am using the contact name "MrDeity" for msn, "SGMrDeity" for aim, and the email mrdeity@hotmail.com for both. So IM me please! Pretty please with sugar on top!
thank you for the aftershock my friend! you are my bestest friend now

When I was in high school there was this chick some of my friends were friends with. I never cared for her much. They ended up not liking her later after getting to know her. One day we were reading the I Saw U's and she had one! Grrrrr all of us had dreamed of having one written for us and the annoying girl gets one? It's just not fair.