Watching one of the most incredible performances I have ever seen, maybe the most incredible?
For myself, I did not really appreciate this band, when they first came out, I was really focused on my own path, as opposed to the popular path. And I am still more or less devoted to myself in that way now.
Sad as it is, I am as guilty as anyone. You really do not know what you have until it is gone. And after his departure from this world, I have felt much nostalgia at how this music has touched me too, and been a huge part of my consciousness. Songs that I know and love, but was too afraid to admit it, as it conflicted with my own sense of integrity, which I am at the same time, always tearing up. Other songs which I ignorantly never knew where the creation of this band, or did forget somehow.
It is amazing, how many lives they have inspired, with their music and vision. Their humanity. This type of shameless self-expression, and admission of human difficulty, than many of us are tempted to ignore, or deny, because we ourselves, are too vulnerable.
To Chester. I too, am grieving this loss of such a great human. It doesn't make sense, but if I reflect, it makes its own sad sense. Especially, as a person who did admire you, but never appreciated you while you were alive.
For someone to feel so alone in themselves, perhaps, with everyone around them feeling like they relate to your expression. To be a riddle, even to yourself. To fight to be understood and appreciated. And yet, underneath it all, still feel alone in it. I can only speculate what he went through, as I sit and reflect on my own .. Cloud. Inspired and humbled by this greatness, I feel a sense of indignity at my own harmful ways. Harmful to myself, and those who cross my path.