I was walking home last night with the shits. I had just been on a comedy club date which isn't a date with a woman who I met over the internet. She had written a CV for me on commission, and after chatting via email we decided to meet. She nearly cancelled on me, but came out in the end.
The date went rather bad, she asked me some probing questions about my questionable and very sad-sounding love life, my horrid experiences with women and things of that nature. She also decided to tell me she's not interested in dating right now, which is fair enough; I didn't ask, that's just how the conversation went, and also that she had feelings for her male housemate and asked me for advice on how to get him to come around. ZING! Feeling slighted again! I didn't expect anything from this date, but I didn't see that coming either!
She left in a hurry after the show to go and see her friend who she was planning to see when she almost cancelled on me. So I was left early on in the night in London with no friends and no place to go. :(
So I met a young Scottish girl along the river who was on her phone and seemed kinda drunk, and as I walked past she apologised for her ranting behaviour and encouraged me to walk on. I stopped and asked her if she was OK. We both exchanged stories about why our night was rubbish. Then I asked who was on the phone. It was her best friend.
Then she said we should get shit faced the next day (today) and made me add her on Facebook, and her best friend as well, and told me to message her about the festival or something she was going to. It sounded good and it did cheer me up alot. But as usual, you know the drunk girl is going to forget you in the morning. And that's what happened!
I messaged her today and though she has been online, she has ignored my message.
I have to wonder why this keeps happening to me. I am always being forgotten, I make plans with one girl and she forgets me and goes to make other plans, and then of course the drunken girl is going to regret her decision the next day. But I must say, this is what always happens with women. I tried to explain to the CV writer when she was questioning me intently. But she didn't believe me, is seems. Am I a ghost?
I have come to expect this sort of forgetful and thoughtless behaviour from all women I meet. Because it invariably happens, that whether it's a fleeting moment, or a seemingly seriously reciprocal hour of enjoyment, the next day it is though I never existed. Am I mad for thinking that there was a small chance the CV writer was actually interested in meeting me? Because it seems like she thought it was a good idea at the time, and then only went out of guilt. Was it silly to think that this drunk girl and many others, even sober ones, actually wanted to see me again like they said? Because they invariably do not. I have yet to meet a woman like this, who makes plans with me and follows through with it, of her own volition, or really much at all.
I don't think anyone can help me with this problem. I am just a strange character I guess. People tell me they want to see me, but truthfully, they don't. I am cursed