Last night I did my second open mic show in London and it was just as nerve-wracking as the first! Which is, kind of! When you think you are doing OK and then you look at the video and it wasn't as good as you thought?
The first time I did quite well, everyone seemed to laugh at all my jokes. But when I saw the video, I looked quite awkward. But people laughed!!
So this week I went back full of confidence, except that there was half as many people in the crowd, and there was a group of obnoxious hecklers down the back! It was like they were doing their best to ruin everyone's sets, even the first timers and it made me very pissed off! I hate to say it but they did manage to distract me from my jokes. But I called them out! And I can't remember whether anyone found this funny or not. Oh well. I still got everyone's attention in the end. One of the hecklers actually told me he enjoyed my set afterwards. What the fuck, mate? Knob
Fuck! I was really looking forward to this week and I was full of confidence, I got over my first week of awkwardly looking at my feet. But then this week I was reminded how bright the lights are on stage! Next week I will wear sunglasses. And I will try to ignore the fuck wits in the back of the room. I still got some laughs for my actual routine, but not enough to satisfy, and not as many as my first week. How did this happen??
I am forced to wonder whether stand up comedy can ever be fully satisfying or if it is going to be always chasing the dragon of humour?
Maybe I should just do the suicide thing and get naked? :)