wow, well, let's just keep postin' until we can't post no more. i forgot about my day which turned out to be pretty weird. i went to a barber shop that i used to frequent when i lived with my 10-year gf shannon. it was close by to school so i dropped in to have my head shaved. it turns out sara is turned on by guys who take their baldness to the max so i thought i'd randomly surprise her and have my half hair/half scalp self shaved down. i walked into a completely different scene from what i was used to. this was an old school "we were all in 'nam" man's hair-cutting shop. today i walked in on a vietnamese man napping in one of the chairs. crazy. he popped up like someone lit a firecracker and said "just napping - all better now." he couldn't figure out why someone with as little hair as myself would take things to the next level. when i ran down my request of the shortest without complete baldness, same length on the sides as the top he thought i said i wanted it completely bald. but we worked it out. and despite him trying to shave my already bald back it was pretty easy going. when i asked him for change and gave him the big tip. his eyes lit up, only moments after giving me the "change your own money, bitch" look. i think i made the sleepy guy's day but who knows. my head is a beaming beacon but sara thinks it's sexy so here's hoping it works for her.
goodnight irene,
leonard cohen
goodnight irene,
leonard cohen
it appears that leonard cohen has stolen your SG password and is now writing in your journal. that's crazy.