Tick tock, tick tock
The clocks gears go around. Realize that time is nothing but a manmade invention, that you are better than it. You might be a gear in the machine, but we all are. Our gears shall meet and perhaps turn together. One never knows how long those turns may be.
Do not find yourself wanting, but receiving what you wish for in life. Let the fresh air into your sails. Fill yourself with the glee that life can be more than you ever expected it to be. There might be eyes watching you, but perhaps they are looking over you. We are sometimes there to protect you, not haunt you. The dark is a blessed thing, for it absorbs all that comes in it. The light only is a reflection of what we do not truly know. Closed eyes can see more sometimes than when they are open. Feel with your other senses, and you will realize what living truly is.
A head may say to do something, but a heart can say other things. The head is not always the smartest part that we carry within us.
Never feel that you have lost something, but revel in what you may gain. The true sanctity is not the summit but the path along the way.
Betrayal is another word for acceptance of what was. To be betrayed is not by someone else, but by your own self. You placed the idea within your soul, only you can be to blame. Place no hatred upon others, for lifes spiral shall pass it back upon you many fold.
There is platinum that cannot be felt by ones hand, the most precious and valuable thing that there is, is what one cannot hold. Open thine heart and the truth shall pour out. Do not hold thy tongue for poison shall seep from what was not released.
When clanking glasses in celebration, remember the troubles too, for in the end they were the ladder you climbed upon to get where you are.
In the end, be true, be caring, be truthful to no one else but yourself. It is only you that must truly sleep with thyself. Learn to appreciate who you have become and who you are meant to be. Do not live your life for those that are around you. Make all your decisions for the better of ones self. Love who you are, become you were meant to be. Be you.
The clocks gears go around. Realize that time is nothing but a manmade invention, that you are better than it. You might be a gear in the machine, but we all are. Our gears shall meet and perhaps turn together. One never knows how long those turns may be.
Do not find yourself wanting, but receiving what you wish for in life. Let the fresh air into your sails. Fill yourself with the glee that life can be more than you ever expected it to be. There might be eyes watching you, but perhaps they are looking over you. We are sometimes there to protect you, not haunt you. The dark is a blessed thing, for it absorbs all that comes in it. The light only is a reflection of what we do not truly know. Closed eyes can see more sometimes than when they are open. Feel with your other senses, and you will realize what living truly is.
A head may say to do something, but a heart can say other things. The head is not always the smartest part that we carry within us.
Never feel that you have lost something, but revel in what you may gain. The true sanctity is not the summit but the path along the way.
Betrayal is another word for acceptance of what was. To be betrayed is not by someone else, but by your own self. You placed the idea within your soul, only you can be to blame. Place no hatred upon others, for lifes spiral shall pass it back upon you many fold.
There is platinum that cannot be felt by ones hand, the most precious and valuable thing that there is, is what one cannot hold. Open thine heart and the truth shall pour out. Do not hold thy tongue for poison shall seep from what was not released.
When clanking glasses in celebration, remember the troubles too, for in the end they were the ladder you climbed upon to get where you are.
In the end, be true, be caring, be truthful to no one else but yourself. It is only you that must truly sleep with thyself. Learn to appreciate who you have become and who you are meant to be. Do not live your life for those that are around you. Make all your decisions for the better of ones self. Love who you are, become you were meant to be. Be you.
more than fine
i'm adding you to my listie thing as soon as i finish this postie thing.

MrDaft's Guide to Life. A good read, indeed!