vactating my soul
I hope you stay to watch the tale
this steel strips my flesh right off
I am going to let it all flow out
I wish I could have changed this tale
these are the things I cannot deal with
let it all bleed out
from ever pore, wetness
stop the shakes
a blade to me
is heroin to a junkie
one slash at a time
just crimson no longer pink
in violent times I'd have been better
I shouldn't have to look for it
they give me life
through the coldness of steel
the warmth of freedom
I am nothing without me
On the mat, not out for the count
one more hit, one more slash
slice me free
If you could have changed my mind
it would have happened by now
happy happy pills
with the firewater
steel entangling my sinews
left to one arm
the numbness in other
white changed to burgandy
ohh sweet merlot of life
salty yet so beautifully warm
stop the yelling
stop feeling
society's working whore slave
stepping down
the stage light down to one
why do i fuck it all up
the reality is I dead body
I am stupified.
everything you will say
all in vain
slicing, dicing, traintracks
one for each sin
not enough skin
you wanted into the door
you wanted to see in here
can you pay the price of admission
if not, no respect
too many secrets locked in here
here we go again,
stick it in, dragging
pulling it out, freeing
this is my last retort
finding the end's resort
there is nothing i won't try
give me a butterfly
a hatchet
it will make my body shake
come and dance with me
tango down the staircase
looking for that relief
turned out lights
the curtains down
I hope you stay to watch the tale
this steel strips my flesh right off
I am going to let it all flow out
I wish I could have changed this tale
these are the things I cannot deal with
let it all bleed out
from ever pore, wetness
stop the shakes
a blade to me
is heroin to a junkie
one slash at a time
just crimson no longer pink
in violent times I'd have been better
I shouldn't have to look for it
they give me life
through the coldness of steel
the warmth of freedom
I am nothing without me
On the mat, not out for the count
one more hit, one more slash
slice me free
If you could have changed my mind
it would have happened by now
happy happy pills
with the firewater
steel entangling my sinews
left to one arm
the numbness in other
white changed to burgandy
ohh sweet merlot of life
salty yet so beautifully warm
stop the yelling
stop feeling
society's working whore slave
stepping down
the stage light down to one
why do i fuck it all up
the reality is I dead body
I am stupified.
everything you will say
all in vain
slicing, dicing, traintracks
one for each sin
not enough skin
you wanted into the door
you wanted to see in here
can you pay the price of admission
if not, no respect
too many secrets locked in here
here we go again,
stick it in, dragging
pulling it out, freeing
this is my last retort
finding the end's resort
there is nothing i won't try
give me a butterfly
a hatchet
it will make my body shake
come and dance with me
tango down the staircase
looking for that relief
turned out lights
the curtains down