Some people over there said something about some people over here and then some people went somewhere. where? I don't know some where, it was neither here nor threre. Here, think about there, and there think about here, and really where else would you want to be?
Anyway, the only reason I had posted in there at all was to correct Stirfry's remark about Jefferson being Republican (which he was, but not in the same way Stirfry is Republican). That was it.
Also, I am a little confused as to what I "lost"; again, I didn't realize I was participating in a contest? Jefferson's Republican party is not the same as [MEMBER-Stirfry]'s. That's not opinion, that's a fact. That's all I was trying to say. My fault for attempting to present factual historical info to someone like that; I should've known better. Maybe if he sees it on Fox News he'll believe it.
Re: "correcting my wrong," I still don't believe I misspoke, although you clearly disagree, and that's fine.
Just wanted to clear that up. Have a great weekend!
The only reason I had brought up my classes in that thread was to demonstrate that my knowledge of historical facts, i.e. Jefferson's Replublicanism, came from books and was taught by experts at a highly reputable university. Stirfry's "facts" probably come from Fox News.
I don't think I'm the sort to just blindly agree with a professor's (or anyone's) opinion. But under these specific circumstances, I don't think it's fucked up for me to accept this particular info as fact or to say that it's info I learned in class.
But in a general sense, I do agree that a professor can have a wack opinion and teach their opinion as fact (i.e. my History of the Western Theatre professor).
p.s. It's funny you brought up Charlie Chaplin - he was the original owner of my apartment building, and even lived here for a while his house was being built!