getting acclimated to my new schedule has been a total pain in the ass. the shift week that i just completed tuesday morning, i worked from 1200 to 0000 for seven days in a row. now, wednesday evening, i'm about to start my next shift week: 2000 to 0800 for seven days in a row. that means i had 36 hours off work. 36 hours to get used to a completely different sleep schedule. nuh uh, not happening. after getting off work tuesday morning, i stayed up until 0900 and then passed out, only to wake up at 1330. i tried to stay up all last night again, but i ended up crashing at around 0500. and then woke up at 1400. fuck. it's going to take forever to get used to this new sleeping schedule, and when i finally do i'll just be on a completely new schedule.
i have work in 4 hours and all i want is a beer.
i really don't understand my life right now. i don't have time to. occasionally i'll get a brief moment of clarity, out of my trance, where i wonder just where the hell i am. and then it's back to work.
assimilation nearly complete. total dissolution of individuality underway.
i just want to see california again.
i have work in 4 hours and all i want is a beer.
i really don't understand my life right now. i don't have time to. occasionally i'll get a brief moment of clarity, out of my trance, where i wonder just where the hell i am. and then it's back to work.
assimilation nearly complete. total dissolution of individuality underway.
i just want to see california again.
I have a lot of fond memories of sleeping on the crapper and then trying to stand up after my ass and legs have fallen asleep.
If we were both dudes, well we wouldnt be dating.