it's like crack-cocaine. thanks mom.
i need to stay away for a couple of weeks. have an exam tomorrow on something i'm completely clueless about and i may fail it (the topic is reactor casualties, and i find that very ironic). i also have 2 exams next week and a final exam in two weeks covering training for the past 6 months. it is extremely important that i pass that exam so that i may move on to the next phase, go home for christmas, and feel like this past year has not been a complete waste of time. it also doesn't help that i've started writing again, latched on to a good idea now. that's a big enough distraction alone. it's funny how the nightmares of this job contribute so well to fiction, and i swear that all the shit we've learned so far seems like sci-fi. only fitting, then.
i'll pop in on occasion as i'm wont to do.
I look forward to talking to you here and there. Be well, Crisp.