i got new tires on the car last night, after discovering that one of the tires had gone flat overnight. switching out to the spare was a frustrating experience as the bolts on the wheels were reverse threaded. so here i'm struggling for half-an-hour to get the nuts loose when i realize that i'm just turning them the right/wrong way. other than that small setback, the rest of the process was fairly easy, even for somebody hopped up on hydrocodon. the car rides an inch lower now, but after a re-alignment and some tinkering drives like a cloud. next on the list: new locks, new paint. it only cost $250, and at least i don't have to worry about having to replace them anytime soon. plus, full-size spare!
while i was waiting for the techs to slap on the new rubber, i went and saw the mist. holy shit. such a hard movie. i really loved it, but the ending hit me like a ton of bricks. i didn't know if it was the glasses or the pain shrugging the vicodin off or what, but i had tears in my eyes when the credits started. honestly a great movie, but i dunno if i'll be seeing it again.
wait. what? it's thanksgiving? well shit.
just called the family, caught them in the middle of preparing dinner. john, the dog, was following them around, waiting for something to drop. an overly ambitious miniature schnauzer, a breed bred to be far too large for their britches, he only got a couple of scraps.
i woke up later than usual today and climbed wearily into my uniform. i drove out to grab some chinese, as noodles are about the only thing i can chew right now. took them straight into work, where i was greeted at the quarter deck by this cute girl that's been popping up in my life lately. she gave me a ride to my surgery, and since then we cross paths, always with the same exchange.
her-"how are you feeling? how's the face?"
me-"hurts like hell."
me-"haha, not really."
her-"well that's good."
me-"i mean, how does it look?"
her-"looks bad."
me-"no, i meant the swelling."
she is really adorable, and i've been meaning to ask her out. you know, if there's any way i can return the favor. but everytime i talk to her, we're either at work or surrounded by a bunch of nosy shipmates. god damn it.
anyways, so, work today. i stared at a desk for a few hours. did some writing, which cheered me up, but over all it was pretty boring. it's impossible to stay in that building long before a headache comes around or sleep comes calling, and i had left my pills in the car, so i called it a day and came home.
what i'll be doing for the rest of the night? probably keep working on the chinese food, maybe watch some movies. i picked up a copy of stephen king's "skeleton crew," which has the novella that the movie the mist is based on. maybe i'll read some of that. i'd rather be at some restaurant with the cutie, but she's got duty and my face is swollen to shit. oh well, one of these days.
And thank you