it seems as if close friends are only there when you're near.
getting a new car (new as in old). "the death trap," as the parents are calling it, is nothing but an engine and steel. a bench seat with lap belts. a manual brake that squeals when depressed. a trunk filled with old rusted exhaust manifolds and lightbulbs. i can't wait.
these guys are having another reunion show in austin, texas.
i wish i could be there.
and these guys are playing in san francisco thanksgiving weekend.
i wish i could be there.
i've started re-reading chuck palahniuk's lullaby. started re-loving it.
fall in south carolina feels like summer in arcata. and check out what the family sent me for halloween!
one camera is out of batteries. the holga hasn't been used yet. i'm thinking now with a vehicle there's an opportunity to go out and explore. when work doesn't get in the way. as of now, i'm required to put in at least 20 extra hours a week (on top of the regular 50 i already do). it's been a pain lately. it's almost over. kind of. i'm trapped, but at least i'm getting paid.
i want to talk to somebody about how i feel about all this, but not here.
so here's some bonus, beautiful a perfect circle acoustics instead: