Well today was a meat an veg day. On friday I helped a mate who is a landscaper, work on his own yard. I have now realised why I got an office vocation. Bloody hell, he just worked all day, manually, flat out! Bastard!!!!!
Needless to say, I am very, very sore. I think I learned that day, that things aren't so bad for me. Perspective is a wierd thing isn't it? Makes me wonder if I should go around doing everything I hate just so I appreciate what I've got. There's a lesson in that for everyone don't you think?
Maybe not the ethiopians?
Meh! Easter should be great. Not! No plans, nowhere I wanna go. Have to blame myself really. Just not in the mood for fun right now? I have been thinking about my ex a lot. Just need to push through the barrier again..... She's too fucked up to be able to love a man.......UGH! Right. Done it. Better now. Phew!!! Trouble is I'll have to do it again later. I wish I was one of those people ...... Nah, actually I wish I, fuck it. You know I think it's time I actually went out! Cya
Needless to say, I am very, very sore. I think I learned that day, that things aren't so bad for me. Perspective is a wierd thing isn't it? Makes me wonder if I should go around doing everything I hate just so I appreciate what I've got. There's a lesson in that for everyone don't you think?

Meh! Easter should be great. Not! No plans, nowhere I wanna go. Have to blame myself really. Just not in the mood for fun right now? I have been thinking about my ex a lot. Just need to push through the barrier again..... She's too fucked up to be able to love a man.......UGH! Right. Done it. Better now. Phew!!! Trouble is I'll have to do it again later. I wish I was one of those people ...... Nah, actually I wish I, fuck it. You know I think it's time I actually went out! Cya

Are you small enough to fit in my pocket?