I woke up today at 9am feeling like crap. No, not for breakfast for those scat fans out there , just plain damn depressed. I couldnt sleep, may arm was killing me from when I got dumped by a massive wave a couple of weeks ago, I have no money, no love life...... This is not sounding good. My employment contract has just ended or at least is on an indefinite hold and I have no desire to do anything...... At all. I am sick of everything! And that photo of me on my profile that sonofJah put up for me - it sucks! It is a major fake smile. Think I'll photoshop it. Good news please??????
thanks for the info re: zovirax - might give it a shot - worth a hit if nothing else.
i also find that stress and change of season cause flare-ups, but for me, i also have it almost all the year round. the easiest thing for me was UV-B treatment. - worked a treat - but it did mean standing in light boxes 3/week
Hang in there, you'll come around.