Some of you already know this because of the txt I sent out, but... 
At about 5:00CDT yesterday my dad, oldest sister, and I decided to have them unplug my mother from the ventalator that's keeping her alive. I said my goodbye, kissing her cheek...
It's up to my mother now, how long she lives.
So I had been up for 24 hours by the time I'd made it to see my mother. She was in her hospital bed in ICU, wires and tubes going in and out of her looking as if she was asleep. I caressed her arm and called out to her hoping that she would respond, with no luck. she had been like that for the last 24 hours and most likely would not be getting any better.
Last Dec. when I was here for Christmas, being on life support had come up in conversation. She had said something like "Oh God, if I'm ever hooked up to one of those things... just let me die in peace. I don't want to be lying there like a vegetable."
Other family members wanted us to keep her on the ventalator till they got her on Tue. We didn't think that's what she would have wanted. laying in a bed for 4 more days just barely hanging on.
It was an easy choice for us to make but hard on our hearts. I'll never forget my fathers good by to his wife of over 40 years, brings tears to my eyes...
I'm having a hard time seeing the computer through the tears in my eyes.. and my spelling's only going to get worse...
All of your support has really ment the world to me and I can't thank you all enough for your kind words and prayers.

At about 5:00CDT yesterday my dad, oldest sister, and I decided to have them unplug my mother from the ventalator that's keeping her alive. I said my goodbye, kissing her cheek...
It's up to my mother now, how long she lives.
So I had been up for 24 hours by the time I'd made it to see my mother. She was in her hospital bed in ICU, wires and tubes going in and out of her looking as if she was asleep. I caressed her arm and called out to her hoping that she would respond, with no luck. she had been like that for the last 24 hours and most likely would not be getting any better.
Last Dec. when I was here for Christmas, being on life support had come up in conversation. She had said something like "Oh God, if I'm ever hooked up to one of those things... just let me die in peace. I don't want to be lying there like a vegetable."
Other family members wanted us to keep her on the ventalator till they got her on Tue. We didn't think that's what she would have wanted. laying in a bed for 4 more days just barely hanging on.
It was an easy choice for us to make but hard on our hearts. I'll never forget my fathers good by to his wife of over 40 years, brings tears to my eyes...
I'm having a hard time seeing the computer through the tears in my eyes.. and my spelling's only going to get worse...
All of your support has really ment the world to me and I can't thank you all enough for your kind words and prayers.
Respecting your mothers wishes is such a good thing to do, many people don't. As I hundred people have probably already said but I am here for you.