So im going to have some stuff in the Tim Faulkner gallery starting July 1st. If your in or around Louisville the gallery is downtown on Market around all those other galleries and Toast and Joe Leys across the street.
July 16th ill be at the Derby city comic con ill have some junk for sale maybe a cheap sketch book or something and my newest work with the Frankenstein story "Barter Town"
So anyways how is every body?
I won a Beauty and da beast podcast tshirt this morning thanks to twitter.
So all in all its been a pretty good day.

July 16th ill be at the Derby city comic con ill have some junk for sale maybe a cheap sketch book or something and my newest work with the Frankenstein story "Barter Town"

So anyways how is every body?
I won a Beauty and da beast podcast tshirt this morning thanks to twitter.
So all in all its been a pretty good day.