It is a fantastic gallery space. Obviously you are really far away but i would strongly suggest a visit.
I have to say I am a little jealous of your Gallery

Holy fucking hell that's amazing!!!!
Pretty damn awesome!
Hey everyone i know heres a link to a kickstater project for a graphic novel im working on go check that shit out.
Le Mystere
Le Mystere
Just spent most of my night getting drunk with my art dealer... overall it was a great time.
and if you read this i love you for it.
and if you read this i love you for it.

hope you're enjoying the beautiful weather we're having.
i have been but now im enjoying the cold as well.
Fuck.. its been a while.
Fuck you blog ill talk to you later,
Fuck you blog ill talk to you later,

So im pretty anti social and i wont to be more active on this sight.
if any one has any tips that would be cool
if any one has any tips that would be cool
I was awakened this morning by a concert on the back of a flat bed truck two blocks over. So i caught the end of a st pattys day parade.
in other news im no blogger!
in other news im no blogger!
ive have been far too busy lately. Haven't even had time to enjoy SG like i want too.