The pope is dead. Technically that happened yesterday, but I was away from the computer so I couldn't update.
I submitted my first news story to the site. I hope it gets approved.
So yeah I just didn't write my paper. I'm a lazy shit, but I don't care. Apathy is great.
kiss kiss kiss love love love wink wink wink confused
Here's to you and here's to me and here's to hoping we never disagree, but if we by chance someday do then here's to me and fuck you.

Happy St. Patrick's Hangover Day
Audrey won fair and square so now there will no longer be any STD's in the world.
A couple days into spring break. Not much to report and I like it that way. Fuck people who don't understand why I like staying in town when nobody is here instead of going "home."
Spring break started. My friends are lame and didn't want to make plans with me. It works out though cause I'm pretty broke so I can't really afford to go anywhere. I'm going to hang around town while everyone is gone and maybe go canoeing with robert and rachael.
I'm now on day 2 of 101 fever. It sucks. That is about all I can say.
so whatever happened to updating every day? wink ::smooch:: kiss kiss love