A couple days into spring break. Not much to report and I like it that way. Fuck people who don't understand why I like staying in town when nobody is here instead of going "home."
More Blogs
Monday May 24, 2004
Bad day. Nothing really happened. I slept till 2 in the afternoon a… -
Tuesday May 18, 2004
I'm on week two of this living healthy kick. I don't really expect i… -
Friday May 14, 2004
I finally got the internet back after moving. I was going through wi… -
Saturday May 01, 2004
don't really feel like writing an entry today, but it has been a whil… -
Saturday Apr 24, 2004
I had a very interesting 4/20. Smoked and drank whisky with a mormon… -
Monday Apr 19, 2004
Really bad day!!! I have this realtor trying to fuck me out of a 800… -
Wednesday Apr 14, 2004
I finished my paper. Hopefully I will get a good grade on it, but I … -
Monday Apr 12, 2004
I put up a new pic. I got to play with really high concentration nit… -
Wednesday Apr 07, 2004
Made a little bit more progress in house hunting. We visited a house… -
Tuesday Apr 06, 2004
House search continues. I'm making a webpage that has all the pics s…