When I come home worn and tired, I'ts good to warm my bones beside the fire.
This weekend I built a new deck, it is a very nice deck, 10x20 feet. I also have a WLAN setup at my place now so I can sit out here and kick back with my laptop and just chill. It is great, brnging technology to the great outdoors. I am really enjoying my house now that im getting all this stuff fixed up.
The deck was challenging to build because I made the surface from 3" thick tounge and groove decking. Thus I had to pound 8" long 1/4" thick spikes through it. My arm feels like it is going to fall out of the socket. After all that was said and done I went downtown, bought some new furnature for on the deck, and I also bought this table thing that has a fire pit in the middle of it, it is really neat.
Also another update on life, I just got hooked up through the guy I was running the front end loader for over at the gravel pit, he set me up with a friend of his who needed some one to drive his dumptruck, so I got a 2.00 an hour raise to 17.00 an hour and I dont have to get dirty anymore, also ill be picking up overtime so that is swell too. I did the math earlier today, and if it works out right I will have about 2600 a month disposable income after bills and taxes. That includes food too. I am really happy about that. I have been pretty smart with my funds there. I am going to start saving up so I can rebuild the garrage in a few weeks.
If things here continue to work out I am going to stick around, this company I got hooked up with is just picking up steam, I could find myself in a really good position here, we will see how it goes. if it goes well I could be in fat city in a big way.
In other news, I bought a new rifle friday, it is a Kimber .270 based on a Mauser Action, it has a Leupold 10x18x30mm Scope, and today when I was sighting it in, I put my last 3 shots inside of half an inch at 100 yards, that made me happy, not too shabby for not having picked up a rifle in 10 months.
Still havent heard anything new on my brothers murder, things around here have been hecktic as all hell since then, but I think they are halfway going to get back to normal. I am sick as all hell though of hearing the words "im sorry" it seems to be the first thing people say.
Also, my cell phone took a shit today, so I need everyones numbers again.

This weekend I built a new deck, it is a very nice deck, 10x20 feet. I also have a WLAN setup at my place now so I can sit out here and kick back with my laptop and just chill. It is great, brnging technology to the great outdoors. I am really enjoying my house now that im getting all this stuff fixed up.
The deck was challenging to build because I made the surface from 3" thick tounge and groove decking. Thus I had to pound 8" long 1/4" thick spikes through it. My arm feels like it is going to fall out of the socket. After all that was said and done I went downtown, bought some new furnature for on the deck, and I also bought this table thing that has a fire pit in the middle of it, it is really neat.
Also another update on life, I just got hooked up through the guy I was running the front end loader for over at the gravel pit, he set me up with a friend of his who needed some one to drive his dumptruck, so I got a 2.00 an hour raise to 17.00 an hour and I dont have to get dirty anymore, also ill be picking up overtime so that is swell too. I did the math earlier today, and if it works out right I will have about 2600 a month disposable income after bills and taxes. That includes food too. I am really happy about that. I have been pretty smart with my funds there. I am going to start saving up so I can rebuild the garrage in a few weeks.
If things here continue to work out I am going to stick around, this company I got hooked up with is just picking up steam, I could find myself in a really good position here, we will see how it goes. if it goes well I could be in fat city in a big way.
In other news, I bought a new rifle friday, it is a Kimber .270 based on a Mauser Action, it has a Leupold 10x18x30mm Scope, and today when I was sighting it in, I put my last 3 shots inside of half an inch at 100 yards, that made me happy, not too shabby for not having picked up a rifle in 10 months.
Still havent heard anything new on my brothers murder, things around here have been hecktic as all hell since then, but I think they are halfway going to get back to normal. I am sick as all hell though of hearing the words "im sorry" it seems to be the first thing people say.
Also, my cell phone took a shit today, so I need everyones numbers again.
I would so love a deck about now!!
Take it easy dude!