Merry Christmas yall. This is what I did today.
Shooting the Para Oranance PDX LDA .45 ACP
Shooting Dads Ruger Redhawk Stainless .41 Magnum
Me with my new Kimber 1911 10mm
Getting ready to shoot Dad's Ruger Redhawk .44 Magnum
Shooting Jesse's 9mm Ruger Carbine.
Shooting Dad's Ruger Redhawk stainless .41 Magnum
Shooting my Para Ordanance PDX LDA .45 ACP
I went shooting with dad and Jessie this morning, I got dad and myself a matching pair of Kimber 1911 10mm's Dad as you can see was awed.
Here is dad shooting my Para Ordanance PDX LDA 1911 HI CAP .45 ACP
Jessie with the 1911 I bought him.
The end of the day was the best though, we had roast beef and mashed potatoes, and to top it all off, dad told me how proud of me he was, and that he felt I had it made. That meant allot to me.
Also got a pic of the whole family, we havent been togeather for quite a while.
How was everyone elses christmas?
Editied to add:
Tomorrow I am hitting the road again, headed for Bear Delaware via Sioux City IA. Should be a good round trip.

Shooting the Para Oranance PDX LDA .45 ACP

Shooting Dads Ruger Redhawk Stainless .41 Magnum

Me with my new Kimber 1911 10mm

Getting ready to shoot Dad's Ruger Redhawk .44 Magnum

Shooting Jesse's 9mm Ruger Carbine.

Shooting Dad's Ruger Redhawk stainless .41 Magnum

Shooting my Para Ordanance PDX LDA .45 ACP
I went shooting with dad and Jessie this morning, I got dad and myself a matching pair of Kimber 1911 10mm's Dad as you can see was awed.

Jessie with the 1911 I bought him.
The end of the day was the best though, we had roast beef and mashed potatoes, and to top it all off, dad told me how proud of me he was, and that he felt I had it made. That meant allot to me.
Also got a pic of the whole family, we havent been togeather for quite a while.

How was everyone elses christmas?
Editied to add:
Tomorrow I am hitting the road again, headed for Bear Delaware via Sioux City IA. Should be a good round trip.
you guys have a lot of guns....
i spent my holidays trying not to get too irritated with my miserable grandfather who called every family member, neighbor, race, creed, nationality, and random stranger a dumbshit/nigger/asshole for one reason or another at some point or another over the weekend
the man did just have 2 heart attacks (on top of the 2 he had a couple years ago) and is suffering from psyatica(sp?) in his spine leaving him unable to walk so it is likely his last holiday and i should cut him some slack
i still prefer if he could have spent it telling fun stories from his life