I have seen a few people around doing this so I figured what the hell, im bored off my ass, I'll do it too.
20 Facts about yours truly that no one gives a fuck about.
1. I am the oldest of 5 children.
2. My home is color coordinated.
3. I match my shirts to my underwear.
4. I have always owned high performance muscle cars, and I have a clean driving record.
5. I moved out of my parents house when I was 15, and have been working full time since then.
6. I bought my first house at the age of 21.
7. I scored higher than 99% of the populaton as a whole on the TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) I have a ged and did not attend most of highschool.
8. I have studied Nujitus and other forms of martial arts from the age of 6.
9. I never went to a high school dance, and im ok with that.
10. I have never been to a concert and dont care to go. I buy a cd if I like the music, throw it in my case and listen to it, that is that.
11. I am suposed to be dead for more than 10 different reasons right now, I denied the preist who wanted to read me my last rights because I am an athiest.
12. I disowned my mother at the age of 15.
13. My dad and my grandpa are 2 of my best friends, I talk to them almost every day.
14. I dont go out of my way to make friends with people, anyone I call my friend Is a true fried.
15. I dont like one night stands.
16. I lost my virginity at the age of 10.
17. I can cook better on the barbaque better than anyone I know. My whole family agrees with me, they always ask me to cook when im in town.
18. I have never smoked a cigarette or done drugs.
19. I hate the taste of beer.
20. I hate the day time.
Dont yall feel special now? What are some facts about you that people ought to know?
20 Facts about yours truly that no one gives a fuck about.
1. I am the oldest of 5 children.
2. My home is color coordinated.
3. I match my shirts to my underwear.
4. I have always owned high performance muscle cars, and I have a clean driving record.
5. I moved out of my parents house when I was 15, and have been working full time since then.
6. I bought my first house at the age of 21.
7. I scored higher than 99% of the populaton as a whole on the TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) I have a ged and did not attend most of highschool.
8. I have studied Nujitus and other forms of martial arts from the age of 6.
9. I never went to a high school dance, and im ok with that.
10. I have never been to a concert and dont care to go. I buy a cd if I like the music, throw it in my case and listen to it, that is that.
11. I am suposed to be dead for more than 10 different reasons right now, I denied the preist who wanted to read me my last rights because I am an athiest.
12. I disowned my mother at the age of 15.
13. My dad and my grandpa are 2 of my best friends, I talk to them almost every day.
14. I dont go out of my way to make friends with people, anyone I call my friend Is a true fried.
15. I dont like one night stands.
16. I lost my virginity at the age of 10.
17. I can cook better on the barbaque better than anyone I know. My whole family agrees with me, they always ask me to cook when im in town.
18. I have never smoked a cigarette or done drugs.
19. I hate the taste of beer.
20. I hate the day time.
Dont yall feel special now? What are some facts about you that people ought to know?
I need to do this as well!