I missed the deadline for the Starbucks muzak competition. Somebody hid the entry forms and I only found them like last minute (more like 5 hours from the deadline) FUCK.
Can u say conspiracy????
Anywayz, I like this girl @ work but I swore myself not to date her because she's Filipina or any other Filipina for that matter (and of course the whole deal about supervisor dating a subordinate deal comes in to play.) Unfortunately she likes me back and its getting a little too touchy feely for both of us. And Im falling for her fast.
See, I had a bad ending in my last relationship. I broke up with my x, choosing my growth over us (its pretty much a lot like Alchemy: in order to achieve something, one must give up something of equal value or The Law of Equivalent Exchange <-- I had to throw that one in, too many episodes of Full Metal Alchemist ^_^) But later, I found out that she was already messing around with someone else and that hurt me really bad. I went celibate for 3 years fearing relationships and getting hurt again. And you prolly guessed it too: she was Filipina. I know Im Filipino too but that wasnt the case before I got serious with my x: I dated other races before her. But being betrayed like that -- it really, REALLY messed me up.
So the fear of getting hurt again and the race issue came back to me all of a sudden when the feelings crept up. Ive been in the dating pool for a good couple of months and its been awesome (wild more likely)
And now this???
Heh. Its my turn to break hearts.
I missed the deadline for the Starbucks muzak competition. Somebody hid the entry forms and I only found them like last minute (more like 5 hours from the deadline) FUCK.
Can u say conspiracy????
Anywayz, I like this girl @ work but I swore myself not to date her because she's Filipina or any other Filipina for that matter (and of course the whole deal about supervisor dating a subordinate deal comes in to play.) Unfortunately she likes me back and its getting a little too touchy feely for both of us. And Im falling for her fast.
See, I had a bad ending in my last relationship. I broke up with my x, choosing my growth over us (its pretty much a lot like Alchemy: in order to achieve something, one must give up something of equal value or The Law of Equivalent Exchange <-- I had to throw that one in, too many episodes of Full Metal Alchemist ^_^) But later, I found out that she was already messing around with someone else and that hurt me really bad. I went celibate for 3 years fearing relationships and getting hurt again. And you prolly guessed it too: she was Filipina. I know Im Filipino too but that wasnt the case before I got serious with my x: I dated other races before her. But being betrayed like that -- it really, REALLY messed me up.
So the fear of getting hurt again and the race issue came back to me all of a sudden when the feelings crept up. Ive been in the dating pool for a good couple of months and its been awesome (wild more likely)
And now this???
Heh. Its my turn to break hearts.
And what have you got against Filipinos? 

dude i would of finish that shit too