I went to Nag Nag Nag the other night and before Id even got my jacket off I was pounced on by a grinning Boy George, wanting to take my picture.
Maybe I shouldnt have been that surprised, as my fellow SG contributors know, thanks to the wondrous miracles of digital technology anyone and everyone is a photographer these days so why not chubby, skinhead ex-popstars?.
Anyway, apparently he is preparing an article for arty NY magazine Paperabout Nag Nag Nag and resident band Atomiser. He asked my name and I gave him my card, spying the reproduction of my painting Yumegane Machine he quipped looks like the product of a deranged mind, astute fellow that mr. George.
Back at home Im going slightly loopy as my constant companion is currently abroad.
Ive been getting on with my paintings but its all on a final touching up of details stage at the moment and I can work away for hours without making and progress visible to the casual glance. And so my thoughts stray to areas of a more naughty nature. Manko happened to leave a pair of nipple clamps in my room recently so curiosity being what it is & believing that you shouldnt be doing things to other people that youre not prepared to try yourself I just decide to give them a go.
To my surprise I enjoyed the experience, though Im now sporting a pair of somewhat tender swollen nipples tingling away under the rough cloth of my pirate shirt.
Maybe I shouldnt have been that surprised, as my fellow SG contributors know, thanks to the wondrous miracles of digital technology anyone and everyone is a photographer these days so why not chubby, skinhead ex-popstars?.
Anyway, apparently he is preparing an article for arty NY magazine Paperabout Nag Nag Nag and resident band Atomiser. He asked my name and I gave him my card, spying the reproduction of my painting Yumegane Machine he quipped looks like the product of a deranged mind, astute fellow that mr. George.
Back at home Im going slightly loopy as my constant companion is currently abroad.
Ive been getting on with my paintings but its all on a final touching up of details stage at the moment and I can work away for hours without making and progress visible to the casual glance. And so my thoughts stray to areas of a more naughty nature. Manko happened to leave a pair of nipple clamps in my room recently so curiosity being what it is & believing that you shouldnt be doing things to other people that youre not prepared to try yourself I just decide to give them a go.
To my surprise I enjoyed the experience, though Im now sporting a pair of somewhat tender swollen nipples tingling away under the rough cloth of my pirate shirt.
I demand another journal entry! You're too interesting to update just twice a month!
What about Shatner? Say no more!