So I've been working this last week and I'm just exhausted, I recently got a job detailing cars, and it's pretty much non stop, except the 15 minutes I take for lunch, It's so fast pace, and so many cars! I've driven all different types, except for imports, but we did have a Porche on the lot ;P Wish I coulda driven that, I have...
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HUZA!!!! I GOT THE JOB!!!! >:DDDDDD I'm so happy, I'll be able to afford things again!!! PLUS!!! Loan for a motorcycle!!!
My interview is today and I'm so god damned restless! I hope I don't look like hell, you can already see the veins under my eyes
I have a job interview on tuesday! I'm super excited and really nervous, I need this job
Sooo just in case anyone does pay attention to me. I am without residence once again XD good times! Be safe everyone!
Normally I'd have bought presents for everyone I care for, but this year has been pretty stressful, so nothing for myself this year, can't count on any of my blood relatives, so nothing this year again! XD But who knows I'll just keep my chin up.
that pretty much sums up what's been going on /: workin a lot, I loose track of time, no one talking to me XD so I've just been gettin down on some Assassin's Creed: Black Flag ;)