Tell me a story.
So, out in the middle of a forest is a small lake. Buzzing back and forth over the water is a fly. Not too far away, a frog sits on a lilly pad, watching intently. The frog thinks to himself, "if that fly would just come down a couple more inches, I could jump out and eat that fly." Just under the surface of the water, a bass is thinking to himself, "if that fly would come down an inch or two, that frog would jump out to eat it, and I could eat that frog." Not too far off, a bear waits behind a tree. He thinks, "if that fly somes down a bit, and that frog eats the fly, that bass is going to jump for the frog, and I can run down and catch that bass." Behind another tree is a hunter. The hunter, watching everything, thinks to himself, "if the fly comes down, the frog will eat it, the bass will jump out to eat the frog, the bear will run down and grab the bass, and I'll have a clear shot at the bear." Huddling ina bush behind the hunter, a mouse thinks, "if the fly comes down, the frog will eat it, the bass will jump out, that bear will run down to grab it, the hunter will stand up and that sandwich in his back pocket will fall out, giving me my dinner." Behind still another tree, a cat waits patiently. It think, "if the fly comes down a bit, the frog will eat the fly, the bass will eat the frog, the bear will eat the bass, the hunter will shoot the bear, the sandwich will fall, the mouse will run to get it, and I will eat the mouse." So, the fly comes down a bit. The frog eats the fly. The bass jumps and snaps up the frog. The bear runs down and grabs the bass. The hunter stands up, shoots the bear, and the sandwich falls from his back pocket. The mouse runs out to eat the sandwich. The cat jumps for the mouse, trips on an unseen twig, and rolls down the small hill into the lake. The moral of the story? It takes a long time to get a pussy wet.
Once there was a guy. The end.