This entry is dedicated to burntantichrist.
I am living proof that karma does not exist. Why might you ask? Glad you asked. This is the first time in my life I have had a job that paid more than 9 bucks an hour. Did karma help me out? Hell no. I had to have family working at the place so I could get it. Where was karma when I was about to start living under a bridge? Where was karma when my wife decided to divorce me? Where is karma bringing me people that I want to spend time with when I am not at work? If anything it has been working against me. I make plans to go do something and I get fucked in the ass by oversleeping or breaking bones or some other senseless bullshit.
This is the part where you folks that believe that karma exists are saying something like "Oh when you do good things you can't expect the return because that defeats the purpose."
Good point.
I have helped numerous people when they are stuck on the side of the road with flat tires and the like. I give random homeless people money and food. I give people gifts just for the hell of it. I don't cheat. I don't steal. I never intentionally try to hurt people. OK that part isn't entirely true, I have gone off on numerous an asshole. I have never done any of these things expecting a positive result for myself.
Anyway, I have come to the conclusion there is no such thing as karma.
Next update I will post some of my own song lyrics. I wouldn't want to make a liar out of Melika
I am living proof that karma does not exist. Why might you ask? Glad you asked. This is the first time in my life I have had a job that paid more than 9 bucks an hour. Did karma help me out? Hell no. I had to have family working at the place so I could get it. Where was karma when I was about to start living under a bridge? Where was karma when my wife decided to divorce me? Where is karma bringing me people that I want to spend time with when I am not at work? If anything it has been working against me. I make plans to go do something and I get fucked in the ass by oversleeping or breaking bones or some other senseless bullshit.
This is the part where you folks that believe that karma exists are saying something like "Oh when you do good things you can't expect the return because that defeats the purpose."
Good point.
I have helped numerous people when they are stuck on the side of the road with flat tires and the like. I give random homeless people money and food. I give people gifts just for the hell of it. I don't cheat. I don't steal. I never intentionally try to hurt people. OK that part isn't entirely true, I have gone off on numerous an asshole. I have never done any of these things expecting a positive result for myself.
Anyway, I have come to the conclusion there is no such thing as karma.
Next update I will post some of my own song lyrics. I wouldn't want to make a liar out of Melika
ha well ive just posted a comment. fuck im on a posting mission here
ahh i see it happens like that. actually thats how most my friends were made on here!!