Here's the scenario; you've taken time to pick out and slip in to some sexy lingerie that includes a garter belt, some nice seam and heel stockings, and some great shoes. You slip on your panties, pull on the stockings, and clip the straps of the garter on the stocking welts. When it comes time to drop your panties to the floor. . . you take off your shoes, stockings and garter. What? You're doing it wrong. Go back and look at any vintage pinup, say of Bettie Page, or go look at Agent Provocateur. Panties go on last, because panties (or bra) come off first. Garter, stockings, and shoes stay on!
Very true 

to log in and see I have new followers. thank you so very much ladies. I always follow back. so cheers!

Sorry I'm not a lady but I hope you'll follow me back anyways.  Anyone who knows what an interrobang is deserves to be followed!
thanks brother. discovered it and have been operating under the interrobang moniker for over 20 years now.
a member from about six or seven years back. Someone (Missy S?) bought me a subscription, so I'm back. Thanks to my benefactor...