I'll be in Australia from Feb 15 thru March 19, I'll be tattooing at Borderline Tattoos in Burleigh Heads, QLD sometime during my last 2 1/2 weeks of my trip or so. The itenerary will be on http://reliabletattoos.wordpress.com/
The initial plan was to go for three months, but one will work out better for us financially (since we only had three months to plan the long getaway) and for me to not have to quit Spider Murphys. My lady will be with me, I'm stoked for her to meet my family and friends in OZ. It's been 4 years since I've been back, so this trip is overdue.

The initial plan was to go for three months, but one will work out better for us financially (since we only had three months to plan the long getaway) and for me to not have to quit Spider Murphys. My lady will be with me, I'm stoked for her to meet my family and friends in OZ. It's been 4 years since I've been back, so this trip is overdue.

can/t wait to have a beer with you!!
oh shorter than planned. i guess you'll still have a great time and not loosing the job HAS some merits