I don't post on here so much, as anyone who goes to this page has seen.. Time seems to fly by so much faster as we get older. I've been painting a lot, been working on putting a surf band together, and just keeping on track in general. Spider Murphy's couldn't be better, its the place I aspired to be in since I started tattooing, with everything I'm doing meaning a lot more. Gone are the Saturday nights at Sacred, working til midnight, dealing with drunks, fruit bats and ghetto folk wandering in at 11:30, drunk, cracked out looking for someone to get into it with, trying to get a free tattoo, or otherwise just wanting a handout. I don't miss that. Devon is finally getting out of the hospital, after three+ months of recovery and rehabilitation. The next step is to get him drawing, painting and eventually tattooing again. He's golden.
Wow I love this piece, it's really great!!
skulls w/facial hair get me excited