Had a great time lastnight,good music,good friends and good beer.The windmills put on a fantastic show.we stuck around for the other bands n played some pool then went down to badgirls lol was fun,1st strip joint trip ive had.Went to jimmies after that n got hammered till the wee hrs of the morn and i passed out on a couch in the backyard,it was really nice getting up in the fresh air in the shade of a tree with a nice breeze.today went for a hectic skate with jimmie and weldon and once again i feel like im falling apart lol
so much so i had to skip work....yay 1st ever time ive been paid to be sick hehehehehhehe

Nuthin better than a night filled with good music, good friends and good beer!I hope to be having one of those nights very soon!Im in dire need of some fun fun fun!i love goin to strip joints, they are fun!And somebody always pays for me to get a lappy!lol