so had a great week end hanging with speedway74.we went to the peircing shop on satday to get supplies ,decided we needed a 1litre bottle of jack then went to the shafsten hotel for luch and a few games a pool.I went to have a hit on the pokies n in 2hits won $85 w000t so after that we went back to my place n started hooking in to the JD...mmmm yummy after a few drinks speedy was starting to realise he was about to get the uber nipple cripple n he started getting a "little" shakey you could say.....looked like he had arthritis when he tried to pour our last drinks before we got sterilized all my gear put him in the seat and rammed a 14g needle throu his franken nipple.every thing went really well speedy was fine after it was all over but didnt want to do the next we finished the JD and then matt dissapears for a minit n comes back with a case of beer lmao.needless to say the next few hrs a kinda hazy but we did and up doing his other nipple n that also went very well,i was a lil worried about the 2nd cuz it had a lot of scare tissue but it went fine.Ive slept most of the day n now i have to go to work in an hr yay for me then im gonna get home n me n speedy shall hit the piss again lol.well here u go guys pics of last night....
speedway74's bloody nipple adventures
speedway74's bloody nipple adventures