so i decided to do a few things this last month ive been to lazy or stuborn to do
*learn some more bass riffs
*get a new sk8board
*go for a sk8 at the park
*get a pool que n rip the shit outta some drunk at a pub
*buy new cloths
*go see mum n ol friends
*go to the beach
*get a job i LIKE doing
*go out to gigs
*get reel fucked up with out beer
*draw some story boards
and most important
*quit playing warcraft
so far ive done all this in the past month FUCK knows how but hey.So i need to right another list of shit to do any input will be appreciated.
I am fucking loving my job its fantastic i go to work with a smile n i leave with a bigger 1 lmao
its pretty koool i had 3 days training then i was left to open the shop n run it for 6hrs solo, i never have to work with any 1 its aawsome i just get to work n do my jobs list then leave its great no bullshit boss over ya shoulder all far i havnt had to many weirdos or a night when theres been a game but im sure the time will come soon lol.sadly they have put om anther staff member n i lost a shift each week but hey shit happens.
today i went and purchesed some iron on transfers for my printer n made some sweet rockabilly motif and patched some over an old work shirt looks sweet now,problem is thou now every thing i own is gonna have patches all over it.....i think its time to buy some more tartan pants for the first time in about 9years.I have gotten in to this rockabilly shit so much over the last few weeks its all i listen to n ive started to learn some shit on the bass but its fucking weird scale modes that im not used to.
I plan to start throwing parties every 3 weeks or so.I feel like that shit has ceased to happen in my life since i was a teen n i know its what made me really happy,plus my flat mates r party animals n the guy next door never sez shit...prolly cuz he keeps us up more than we do him.yeah its deffinatly time to socialise n i have a lot of catching up to do due to that stupid fucking game that was controlling my life.feels so good not to be hooked on WoW only since putting it down i relised how much of my life was beeing consumed by it,seriously its like rook said "that shits like heroin"cept i aint having withdrawls wich i found surprising.i will miss the friends i had on it but hey the good 1s r on myspace any ways n id rather lose cyber friends then real 1s.
jeez that felt good to right that shit down for my self....i feel real sry for any 1 who just read my badly structured dribble but then again
*learn some more bass riffs
*get a new sk8board
*go for a sk8 at the park
*get a pool que n rip the shit outta some drunk at a pub
*buy new cloths
*go see mum n ol friends
*go to the beach
*get a job i LIKE doing
*go out to gigs
*get reel fucked up with out beer
*draw some story boards
and most important
*quit playing warcraft
so far ive done all this in the past month FUCK knows how but hey.So i need to right another list of shit to do any input will be appreciated.
I am fucking loving my job its fantastic i go to work with a smile n i leave with a bigger 1 lmao

its pretty koool i had 3 days training then i was left to open the shop n run it for 6hrs solo, i never have to work with any 1 its aawsome i just get to work n do my jobs list then leave its great no bullshit boss over ya shoulder all far i havnt had to many weirdos or a night when theres been a game but im sure the time will come soon lol.sadly they have put om anther staff member n i lost a shift each week but hey shit happens.
today i went and purchesed some iron on transfers for my printer n made some sweet rockabilly motif and patched some over an old work shirt looks sweet now,problem is thou now every thing i own is gonna have patches all over it.....i think its time to buy some more tartan pants for the first time in about 9years.I have gotten in to this rockabilly shit so much over the last few weeks its all i listen to n ive started to learn some shit on the bass but its fucking weird scale modes that im not used to.
I plan to start throwing parties every 3 weeks or so.I feel like that shit has ceased to happen in my life since i was a teen n i know its what made me really happy,plus my flat mates r party animals n the guy next door never sez shit...prolly cuz he keeps us up more than we do him.yeah its deffinatly time to socialise n i have a lot of catching up to do due to that stupid fucking game that was controlling my life.feels so good not to be hooked on WoW only since putting it down i relised how much of my life was beeing consumed by it,seriously its like rook said "that shits like heroin"cept i aint having withdrawls wich i found surprising.i will miss the friends i had on it but hey the good 1s r on myspace any ways n id rather lose cyber friends then real 1s.
jeez that felt good to right that shit down for my self....i feel real sry for any 1 who just read my badly structured dribble but then again

Hey dude, welcome back 

Sup, you crazy mofo?!