well i feel like an asshole to day for some reason me being away from my wife and my son is starting to get to me i love them a lot. i just keep fighting with my wife and do not know why i love her and she means so much to me her and my son are my hole life. i really do not know where i would be with out them. they are the hole reason i am doing the one job that make me feel good about myself and make me feel need and allows me to teach people the things that i know. my wife and my son have to give up so much because of the job that i have. the fact is that i know that it is hard for my wife and i know with all of my heart that she loves me and cares for me and i think that with the fact that i am be an asshole i am going to lose the one thing other then my job that i know that i care more then anything for. you know i am not a very tell all my feeling but i think that me starting to write on here my help with that.
well guys i am sorry that i am just going on and on but this is something that i need to get off my chest and i hope that everyone that read this will not think to bad of me.
well guys i am sorry that i am just going on and on but this is something that i need to get off my chest and i hope that everyone that read this will not think to bad of me.

Sorry to hear that dude. These things are never easy, but you love your wife and she adores you. You'll get through this in the end.
thanks for the request