Have you ever fallen asleep while watching something and then you have a dream where what they are saying on TV is played in your dream? I did that yesterday. I fell asleep watching Cropsey on Hulu and whatever played after that was in my dream. Perhaps nightmare. I can't remember. I do remember a woman screaming about something. I checked the history of what played during my sleep and I'm guessing it was from one of the two documentaries on Aileen Wuornos.
Sometimes it's cool. Except for when you dream about something as your alarm is going off and it just gets incorporated into the dream. Then at some point you realize in the dream that it's your alarm and you kick yourself to get up.
The mind is a strange place.
Also, I started playing Life is Strange today. It's a really good game. I was almost late for work because of it. If you have 20 bucks for the five episodes, I would highly recommend it. Speaking of games, I really want to get Rare Replay for the Xbox One. Should be sweet to get some achievements for Battletoads and Conker.
Add me on Live (TMBG) or PSN (Mr_Durrp) perhaps we shall play sometime.