Spent most of the past two days playing Magic the Gathering with my best buddy in the world. I've been playing it off and on since it came out, I still don't fully know how to play. It's fun, but my friend is pretty much the only other person I know who wants/likes to play.
You can watch MTG tournaments on Youtube. I must say, these people are good. They go so fast playing. They might take less than 10 minutes for a game while my friend and I may take over 30 minutes. It's quite crazy. They have announcers. They should have announcers like in Dodgeball. "Ohhh, he's playing One with Nothing. It's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off!" Also, even though I am pretty nerdy, I would say having someone walk in on me watching a MTG tournament would be just as awkward as some one walking in on me watching porn. But, either way I'm learning something and how to do things.