Just wanted to say that Django Unchained was an awesome film. All of the actors performances were amazing. The last scene at the dinner table with Leonardo DiCaprio was probably one of his best performances. I can't wait for the Blu-Ray. It almost makes me sick that it hasn't hit number 1 in the box office. Although it's not trailing by much.
More Blogs
Newish Channel
I made a new Youtube channel (Duke Pluto) a month or two ago. If y… -
Super Mario Maker
Made a new video playing some Super Mario Maker. Check it out. -
Some singing
My friend and I sing some Randy Newman before recording some game f… -
Number 3
So, I just secured my ticket to go see Flight of the Conchords… -
Some Riffing
Here is a new video. My buddy and I watching some classic Mr. Rog… -
People at work
Today at work, a 69 year old man talked to me for about a half hour… -
New video
I'm going to start to try and do some Let's Play videos on the YouT… -
I said what, what?
I've been a fan of TMNT since I was a wee lad. Watching it all the…