Life continues to look up these days. Have been spending as much time with N as possible. Things continue to go remarkably quickly and well on that front. I am, for all intensive purposes, smitten. It's thrilling.
Thrilling and a little terrifying. I am unaccustomed to this sort of stricken by lightning feeling, so the more cynical, jaded parts of me are keeping one rapidly blinking eye open for the other shoe to drop, for some unkindly drama or other unpleasantness to befall me. That only unnerves me when I'm alone though. When I'm with her all bets are off, and any fears, qualms, or reservations I have go apparently straight out the window.
On a different note, I met some of the local SG folk over the weekend at a bonfire. I was a bit skeptical about the bonfire part of it, because I'm neither beachy nor likely to picnic. Nevertheless, it was nice to get a chance to talk to some new people, and hopefully I'll get to see them again soon at some upcoming SDSG event. Will send out pictures from the bonfire to those incriminated when I find my stupid little memory card dongle.
Alright, I'm off to class. We have to make a mock commercial using AfterEffects. I decided to plug my long standing *big idea to make lots of money*, caffeinated sugar. I think I'm going to call it "Smack!". Considered "sugarspeed" and "boost", but I think "Smack!" is funnier. Now I need a logo and a catchy jingle.
Thrilling and a little terrifying. I am unaccustomed to this sort of stricken by lightning feeling, so the more cynical, jaded parts of me are keeping one rapidly blinking eye open for the other shoe to drop, for some unkindly drama or other unpleasantness to befall me. That only unnerves me when I'm alone though. When I'm with her all bets are off, and any fears, qualms, or reservations I have go apparently straight out the window.
On a different note, I met some of the local SG folk over the weekend at a bonfire. I was a bit skeptical about the bonfire part of it, because I'm neither beachy nor likely to picnic. Nevertheless, it was nice to get a chance to talk to some new people, and hopefully I'll get to see them again soon at some upcoming SDSG event. Will send out pictures from the bonfire to those incriminated when I find my stupid little memory card dongle.
Alright, I'm off to class. We have to make a mock commercial using AfterEffects. I decided to plug my long standing *big idea to make lots of money*, caffeinated sugar. I think I'm going to call it "Smack!". Considered "sugarspeed" and "boost", but I think "Smack!" is funnier. Now I need a logo and a catchy jingle.
As for moonroof...unfolding... erhm...apparently so.
Yes, fear is a part of it, just a teensy part. Fear can take a back seat, and a hike!
Hooray for amor...