ugh. currently depressed, heartbroken, and unemployed. nasty trinity.
on a different note, am currently watching a replay of a Beck concert in Austin, from back when he was using the Flaming Lips as his band. Yay PBS and "Austin City Limits". Is Beck still playing with them?
Today concludes the first week in which I haven't spoken to M in over a year. Week two starts tomorrow. Have so far resisted the urge to write to her as well.
Sleep eludes me. Am also resisting urge to drink heavily until I pass out.
Trying to keep the faith, despite the fact that I'm more or less bereft of faith these days.
on a different note, am currently watching a replay of a Beck concert in Austin, from back when he was using the Flaming Lips as his band. Yay PBS and "Austin City Limits". Is Beck still playing with them?
Today concludes the first week in which I haven't spoken to M in over a year. Week two starts tomorrow. Have so far resisted the urge to write to her as well.
Sleep eludes me. Am also resisting urge to drink heavily until I pass out.
Trying to keep the faith, despite the fact that I'm more or less bereft of faith these days.