Alright... yesterday I mentioned I had created a new folder for my design work. As "promised" I'll start posting them out here, with a little play by play.
The first is a typography assignment. To start the assignment, we had to go photograph handmade signs, along with a few "natural" occuring grid patterns (sides of building, bricks, etc.) We weren't told why.
After designing a font based on one of the handmade signs we found, we had to chose one of the grid patterns and create a text layout with it.
We had to use a passage from Robert Bringhurst's very famous book on type, "The Elements of Typographic Style". It, theoretically, had to be one of the fonts we had just studied. I say theoretically, because while my brick wall pattern was okay, I spaced on the font restriction and used Linotype Trajan, a font we hadn't studied at all (though we had covered Carol Twombly and the whole Trajan column thing).
This was the result:
After realizing my error, I redid the project in one of the approved fonts, Adobe Caslon Pro; which I had used to create a paperback version of my plays.
Those results are here:
Obviously they would be more interesting at a higher resolution, but even these give a pretty good idea of the grayscales the text created. In this case the words weren't as important as what were done with them.
They already look a little spotty and odd to me, because of the weeks of school that have passed and the lessons inbetween. But me likey the font stuff and that's probably what you'll see the most of from now on.
The first is a typography assignment. To start the assignment, we had to go photograph handmade signs, along with a few "natural" occuring grid patterns (sides of building, bricks, etc.) We weren't told why.
After designing a font based on one of the handmade signs we found, we had to chose one of the grid patterns and create a text layout with it.
We had to use a passage from Robert Bringhurst's very famous book on type, "The Elements of Typographic Style". It, theoretically, had to be one of the fonts we had just studied. I say theoretically, because while my brick wall pattern was okay, I spaced on the font restriction and used Linotype Trajan, a font we hadn't studied at all (though we had covered Carol Twombly and the whole Trajan column thing).
This was the result:

After realizing my error, I redid the project in one of the approved fonts, Adobe Caslon Pro; which I had used to create a paperback version of my plays.
Those results are here:

Obviously they would be more interesting at a higher resolution, but even these give a pretty good idea of the grayscales the text created. In this case the words weren't as important as what were done with them.
They already look a little spotty and odd to me, because of the weeks of school that have passed and the lessons inbetween. But me likey the font stuff and that's probably what you'll see the most of from now on.
That's really cool.
I never know what the fuck you're talking about.