I'm losing friends left and right. I could say it's out of my extreme inactivity, but they've all just stopped paying their way. Now, truth be told, it's only four... but when I only had 13 to begin with, it's a big chunk. Well, I think I annoyed one, but that's another story.
School is back into high gear. More projects this time around and less reading/essaying. I made a nifty color wheel, using one of those paper folding fortune tellers you had as a kid. You remember... numbers on the outerflap... or colors spelled out. You'd pick "orange" and the person with their fingers in the folds would work it back and forth for each letter "O-R-A-N-G-E". Then, you'd pick a color or number in the inner flap that was exposed after the "E"... and it would get worked again. Then, the third time you'd open the flap you stopped at and read what's underneath.
Mine has no words, but actual colors. Primary on top, secondary inside, and tertiary (intermediate) under the flaps. With a couple of repeats and some grey scale to fill in the blanks... colors work in multiples of three, the fortune teller in fours.
Alright, that's enough for now. I'm going to make a real effort to update at least once a week from now on. But, right now, my cat smells like pee and it's time to give him a bath.
School is back into high gear. More projects this time around and less reading/essaying. I made a nifty color wheel, using one of those paper folding fortune tellers you had as a kid. You remember... numbers on the outerflap... or colors spelled out. You'd pick "orange" and the person with their fingers in the folds would work it back and forth for each letter "O-R-A-N-G-E". Then, you'd pick a color or number in the inner flap that was exposed after the "E"... and it would get worked again. Then, the third time you'd open the flap you stopped at and read what's underneath.
Mine has no words, but actual colors. Primary on top, secondary inside, and tertiary (intermediate) under the flaps. With a couple of repeats and some grey scale to fill in the blanks... colors work in multiples of three, the fortune teller in fours.
Alright, that's enough for now. I'm going to make a real effort to update at least once a week from now on. But, right now, my cat smells like pee and it's time to give him a bath.
Ha, I'm always worried about the same thing. But fret not, youre my favorite west coaster!
No worries. Seems I left a bit prematurely.