Welcome to day 3 of at least 3 days in a row of posting.
First order of business. I love the little friends windows. I have resisted adding friends for a while (or even asking for any). I am not a 'collector' of people or feel any more or less justified in my existance because of the number of strangers that I call 'friends'; but, mainly, I like having the little windows up. And that ends at 10.
I keep track of my friends and do try to respond to them on a regular basis (yes, even Rachel
), but there are more people on the site I would like to keep track of without having to remember their names or finding a thread they were in. But the windows!
Well, I've decided to get past all that. I've, obviously, added a couple new friends, who asked, and I have asked a few other people to join my little island.
I don't expect all of them to jump aboard and I won't have hurt feelings if they don't, please note. I'll only miss the little cute pictures. Especially after peer pressuring Dr_Phibes into finally getting one.
So, if you are one of the people I have asked and aren't sure if you want to like me... after reading that bio over there (points left)... what groups I'm in... some thread comments... what follows are links to my favorite journal entries.
And to Juliana, my first, unraveled, my next, levezletoi, jj987666, cassiopeia, phoebus, Dr_Phibes, vikpreZ, Amstar, and the gone, but not forgotten Space Invader... you are all still special. Even though I can't see your pretty faces any more.
My fave entries so far:
The Matrix rant
The Persephone Dream
My Uncle Ty
And his Funeral
In defense of Titanic
My First Play
Feeling Safer
My Second Play
My Thoughts on Reagan
My Third Play
Why your matter
And my favorite of all time:
The Pat Tillman Entry
The rest you can check on your own time. Tomorrow, I may get around to finishing my PG-13 story. I'll link the first half, I promise.
First order of business. I love the little friends windows. I have resisted adding friends for a while (or even asking for any). I am not a 'collector' of people or feel any more or less justified in my existance because of the number of strangers that I call 'friends'; but, mainly, I like having the little windows up. And that ends at 10.
I keep track of my friends and do try to respond to them on a regular basis (yes, even Rachel

Well, I've decided to get past all that. I've, obviously, added a couple new friends, who asked, and I have asked a few other people to join my little island.
I don't expect all of them to jump aboard and I won't have hurt feelings if they don't, please note. I'll only miss the little cute pictures. Especially after peer pressuring Dr_Phibes into finally getting one.
So, if you are one of the people I have asked and aren't sure if you want to like me... after reading that bio over there (points left)... what groups I'm in... some thread comments... what follows are links to my favorite journal entries.
And to Juliana, my first, unraveled, my next, levezletoi, jj987666, cassiopeia, phoebus, Dr_Phibes, vikpreZ, Amstar, and the gone, but not forgotten Space Invader... you are all still special. Even though I can't see your pretty faces any more.
My fave entries so far:
The Matrix rant
The Persephone Dream
My Uncle Ty
And his Funeral
In defense of Titanic
My First Play
Feeling Safer
My Second Play
My Thoughts on Reagan
My Third Play
Why your matter
And my favorite of all time:
The Pat Tillman Entry
The rest you can check on your own time. Tomorrow, I may get around to finishing my PG-13 story. I'll link the first half, I promise.
PS. Not to steal your thunder or anything, but it was Roxy who was the deciding factor behind my profile pic.
[Edited on Aug 07, 2004 3:17AM]