I'm gonna take a little pause before posting the last part of my play to talk about Lost In Translation. Which I just saw; finally.
For the record, I liked it. In brief, I thought there wer two stereotypical moments which almost brought it down and I thought Bill Murray's performance was really good, but not worth winning an Oscar for. Which makes me feel better about backing Sean Penn all this time.
As for the movie, Sophia should fire her marketing people. It was badly misrepresented in the ads and trailers... not as bad as, but similar to the recent non-action, advertised as an action film Tears of the Sun, with Bruce Willis.
For example, I didn't even know that it (Translation) took place in Japan. Or that maybe it opened in Japan and that was it. Maybe I wasn't paying attention, though.
So, old guy, young girl. Considered cute and sweet when written by a woman... kinda pervy otherwise. Unless the guy is rich, then they point and nod knowingly. As I get older, I realize the same thing that most people do as they grow older; that is that age is a state of body, not mind.
My mind, aside from the wisdom (experience) that comes with age, doesn't feel any older than I did when I was 20. For me, anyway, my body is the only indication of growing older and, honestly, even that is mostly the way other people treat me differently. Oh, hes old. Would kinda like me saying oh, hes black wouldnt you say?
I admit it. I'm not up on the last 5 minutes' 'teen slang'; but then I didn't pay attention to that shit when I was a teen.
My moral structure is a little different, I suppose. I look at file sharing differently... sex and relationships a little different... I have different impressions about 'historical' events (like the 70s) because I was alive during them. The fashion wasn't all that, by the way.
As for women, I do admit to liking women that are younger than me. Not Natalie Portman in the Professional young; but Lost in Translation would be a nice little fantasy if I was ever in Japan... and a movie star... and someone like Scarlett Johannson would find me interesting. Id love to walk around and giggle and impart wisdom and give her a sense of calm and wonder in exchange for an infusion of youthful energy.
Now, I dont just look around for young women. Ill date whoevers interesting. My life just puts me in places with more younger women. Like this site. Or my maybe plans to return to school (more on that in a later entry). Older women are more likely married or career focused by this time.
Older women have some nice qualities. They usually don't put up with the same bullshit as younger women. They are more confident... more sure of what they want... less tolerant of drama. And, more importantly, less likely to cause drama. They don't need you to tell them they're pretty every two minutes or wonder if you still love them if you forget to buy them something for your 2 month anniversary.
Older women can be better in bed, in a different way. They usually know what an orgasm is and can usually tell you what they need to get it.
They are experienced in defusing arguments and have as many stories as you do to tell around the BBQ pit. They don't feel the need to compete with your friends for attention. They have their own friends. Or hobbies. Trust me, guys, that really is a good thing.
So what's with the younger woman thing? I guess for some men, it's an attempt to recapture the past. They left their childhood behind and in an attempt to fool themselves into thinking they can relive it, they do dumb things.
American Beauty covered that pretty well. American Beauty, in fact, had a wonderful scene where Lester finally unwrapped his dream girl, for real. A brilliant bit of popping his bubble by taking someone that had been his (and our) sex object through the whole movie... and making her pale, vulnerable, and very much a normal teen. Not sexy at all.
I didnt leave my childhood behind, though. I never left it period. I just developed a little more responsibility. I can hold down a job and play some Dungeons and Dragons on the weekend. I can take a Thursday night and go see Megadeth (may they rest in piece) and make it to work the next day. Play some PS2 after work.
The physical elements are certainly there with younger women. But, unlike my teen years, I've actually had sex with women. The physical elements arent as all driving. Thats not to say sex isn't important. Actually, sex has always been a very important cog in my relationships and that remains the same. Yeah my friend tells me there's more than that (he's married to someone that sex isn't high on the list of things they do); but I'm not going to be the unhappy not laid husband or boyfriend. My parents still flirt after 37 years of marriage... seems a little better to me than perfunctory kisses around the holidays.
Young women usually haven't been beaten down by life yet. They think they have, but in the same way you think you know it all as a 15 year old. Young women can be open minded and overly hopeful, because life hasn't proven them wrong yet. Basically, some of the same things that I like about older woman, can be a detriment, too. Drama is replaced with baggage and sometimes it's easier to ignore yelling than try to inspire callused heartbreak.
Being a guy that fancies himself a writer, I enjoy a window into a world I don't normally live in. I don't use all those dumb ass teen words, but it's interesting to learn them. Some come back around and I nod and go, 'yeah, I remember my first beer'.
Interestingly, younger women are being raised tougher, more like guys I guess, and that's certainly sexy. Ironically, younger guys, being subjected to single mother households and rampant political correctness in a guilt and fear driven society, are being raised more like goddamn pussies. Younger guys make me want to kick them in the balls, steal their lunch money, and use it to take their girlfriend to the prom.
But luckily for me, I don't date guys.
One of Bill Murray's lines was something to the effect that the more you know who you are and what you want to do, the less things bother you. Maybe that's why I don't get mad about too much anymore. Maybe that's why I can say I don't care what people think and really mean it this time. Why I can chat about why I usually date younger women and I feel no need to make excuses for it.
The bottom line of all this is, I can want to date whoever I want. But, until women get older, they are usually okay with the big brown eyes and foolish idiocy that makes up the bulk of young guys. Good for them. I dont think Im going to find a Scarlett Johannson wandering around my motel any time soon or a rose petal covered cheerleader on my couch. A little sad, but I'm okay with that, too. It's just the movies.
For the record, I liked it. In brief, I thought there wer two stereotypical moments which almost brought it down and I thought Bill Murray's performance was really good, but not worth winning an Oscar for. Which makes me feel better about backing Sean Penn all this time.
As for the movie, Sophia should fire her marketing people. It was badly misrepresented in the ads and trailers... not as bad as, but similar to the recent non-action, advertised as an action film Tears of the Sun, with Bruce Willis.
For example, I didn't even know that it (Translation) took place in Japan. Or that maybe it opened in Japan and that was it. Maybe I wasn't paying attention, though.
So, old guy, young girl. Considered cute and sweet when written by a woman... kinda pervy otherwise. Unless the guy is rich, then they point and nod knowingly. As I get older, I realize the same thing that most people do as they grow older; that is that age is a state of body, not mind.
My mind, aside from the wisdom (experience) that comes with age, doesn't feel any older than I did when I was 20. For me, anyway, my body is the only indication of growing older and, honestly, even that is mostly the way other people treat me differently. Oh, hes old. Would kinda like me saying oh, hes black wouldnt you say?
I admit it. I'm not up on the last 5 minutes' 'teen slang'; but then I didn't pay attention to that shit when I was a teen.
My moral structure is a little different, I suppose. I look at file sharing differently... sex and relationships a little different... I have different impressions about 'historical' events (like the 70s) because I was alive during them. The fashion wasn't all that, by the way.
As for women, I do admit to liking women that are younger than me. Not Natalie Portman in the Professional young; but Lost in Translation would be a nice little fantasy if I was ever in Japan... and a movie star... and someone like Scarlett Johannson would find me interesting. Id love to walk around and giggle and impart wisdom and give her a sense of calm and wonder in exchange for an infusion of youthful energy.
Now, I dont just look around for young women. Ill date whoevers interesting. My life just puts me in places with more younger women. Like this site. Or my maybe plans to return to school (more on that in a later entry). Older women are more likely married or career focused by this time.
Older women have some nice qualities. They usually don't put up with the same bullshit as younger women. They are more confident... more sure of what they want... less tolerant of drama. And, more importantly, less likely to cause drama. They don't need you to tell them they're pretty every two minutes or wonder if you still love them if you forget to buy them something for your 2 month anniversary.
Older women can be better in bed, in a different way. They usually know what an orgasm is and can usually tell you what they need to get it.
They are experienced in defusing arguments and have as many stories as you do to tell around the BBQ pit. They don't feel the need to compete with your friends for attention. They have their own friends. Or hobbies. Trust me, guys, that really is a good thing.
So what's with the younger woman thing? I guess for some men, it's an attempt to recapture the past. They left their childhood behind and in an attempt to fool themselves into thinking they can relive it, they do dumb things.
American Beauty covered that pretty well. American Beauty, in fact, had a wonderful scene where Lester finally unwrapped his dream girl, for real. A brilliant bit of popping his bubble by taking someone that had been his (and our) sex object through the whole movie... and making her pale, vulnerable, and very much a normal teen. Not sexy at all.
I didnt leave my childhood behind, though. I never left it period. I just developed a little more responsibility. I can hold down a job and play some Dungeons and Dragons on the weekend. I can take a Thursday night and go see Megadeth (may they rest in piece) and make it to work the next day. Play some PS2 after work.
The physical elements are certainly there with younger women. But, unlike my teen years, I've actually had sex with women. The physical elements arent as all driving. Thats not to say sex isn't important. Actually, sex has always been a very important cog in my relationships and that remains the same. Yeah my friend tells me there's more than that (he's married to someone that sex isn't high on the list of things they do); but I'm not going to be the unhappy not laid husband or boyfriend. My parents still flirt after 37 years of marriage... seems a little better to me than perfunctory kisses around the holidays.
Young women usually haven't been beaten down by life yet. They think they have, but in the same way you think you know it all as a 15 year old. Young women can be open minded and overly hopeful, because life hasn't proven them wrong yet. Basically, some of the same things that I like about older woman, can be a detriment, too. Drama is replaced with baggage and sometimes it's easier to ignore yelling than try to inspire callused heartbreak.
Being a guy that fancies himself a writer, I enjoy a window into a world I don't normally live in. I don't use all those dumb ass teen words, but it's interesting to learn them. Some come back around and I nod and go, 'yeah, I remember my first beer'.
Interestingly, younger women are being raised tougher, more like guys I guess, and that's certainly sexy. Ironically, younger guys, being subjected to single mother households and rampant political correctness in a guilt and fear driven society, are being raised more like goddamn pussies. Younger guys make me want to kick them in the balls, steal their lunch money, and use it to take their girlfriend to the prom.
But luckily for me, I don't date guys.
One of Bill Murray's lines was something to the effect that the more you know who you are and what you want to do, the less things bother you. Maybe that's why I don't get mad about too much anymore. Maybe that's why I can say I don't care what people think and really mean it this time. Why I can chat about why I usually date younger women and I feel no need to make excuses for it.
The bottom line of all this is, I can want to date whoever I want. But, until women get older, they are usually okay with the big brown eyes and foolish idiocy that makes up the bulk of young guys. Good for them. I dont think Im going to find a Scarlett Johannson wandering around my motel any time soon or a rose petal covered cheerleader on my couch. A little sad, but I'm okay with that, too. It's just the movies.
I wish I could say that I don't care what people say and mean it. I don't. Maybe someday.