I remember most of my dreams and there is a really specific landscape to them. Im not going into that here, as I covered a lot of this in a past journal entry, here, in this Dream entry.
I have recently been thinking about something I heard (probably on these very boards) that Dj vu could be a form of genetic memory. We know animals pass down instincts from generation to generation and the idea that memory is passed down through our genes is pretty interesting. Yes, usually those dj vu memories seem modern and detailed, but who knows if our minds put them in modern context?
Im reading a book about the origins of virtue, from a genetic and social context. Shark pulls up to a specific spot, little fish come around and give him a good cleaning. Teeth, skin, whatever. When hes done, he gives a signal that hes ready to eat again, and the little cleaner fish take off and hide. He doesnt eat them because its easier to catch and eat a random fish, than to replace a good cleaner fish. Good help is hard to find.
Some scientist took a big ol coy fish or something and raised it in a tank. It was a type of fish that, in the wild, use cleaner fish. After it got all big, he introduced a cleaner fish into his tank (the type his kind usually used).
As expected, perhaps, it didnt eat the fish. The conclusion was that this was past what could be explained by instinct. Instinct would be to eat the fish. Not eating a fish and allowing it to clean you (despite not being dirty, since it was raised in the tank), should have been a learned behavior. Or passed down genetic memory.
Dreams, on the other hand? It is said, may be the rewinding of our memories.
As I mentioned in the other journal entry, Ive only had one dream Ive though was prophecy. In the dream, I came upon an outdoor concert. Lawn, chairs, small stage. It was before the concert, and people were milling about. In the sparse crowds I saw what I knew was a future version of me. The future me had a long leather duster kind of thing, and the kind of hair I had when I was younger (longish and tumbled).
The future me was with a woman with an indeterminate face. Blondish, shortish, and very sweet.
Now, let me say for the record, if any part of this supposed prophecy dream was symbolism, its the physical details. Ill never have the kind of hair I had in my dream (unless I pull an old Braveheart wig or something) and the slight blond girl thing is fine; but slight blonds dont date me and Im attracted to all kinds of different looks in women.
I talked to the woman, about my future self and she was very excited about getting to talk to a younger version of her mate. I woke with a profound feeling of this will come true someday.
The prophecy hasnt come true (which was the main theme of my other entry), but it has warped my dream landscape a little. Occasionally, when Im feeling lucid in my dreams, I remember about the girl and go hunting for her. Its actually become a little bit of a burden; it remains this odd test of faith every day it doesnt come true.
I had another dream in the series just a few months ago. I was in High School... the town that I attended Elementary school in. In that dream I was in love with a girl, whos name I cant recall. She was a farmers daughter and there was a feeling of a full life in the dream... that we had been together for a time. The last time I saw her, before I woke up, we were in the living room of her parents house... a huge, open, raised up room with giant bay window overlooking an endless sea of wheat. Golden sunlight filled the room and shined through her beautiful blond hair.
I think that one, if anything, was childhood memory... combined with speculation. When I was a kid, I lived in the country. My kindergarten sweetheart (at least on my end) was this beautifully blond tressed girl... you might be reading a play based loosely on it recently, if youre here with any regularity. I think a subconscious wish to recapture childhood... and a what could have been... seeped into my dreamscape.
Or maybe one of my ancestors was a farmers son, who loved a beautiful farmers daughter.
Either way, sometimes sleep makes life harder than it needs to be.
In a different play, I wrote a scene once where two cousins are waiting for friends at a bar. As one cousin is lamenting over her best friend finding a boyfriend, the other cousin tries to tell her about a dream she had.
I had the strangest dream last night.
Blah, blah, guess what Kyle did last night. Blah, blah, I wanna have Kyles babies.
I was in this house... from when I was a kid, I guess. With the forest across the street. Remember that house, Megan?
Rach, why do people think their dreams are interesting to other people?
No, no, this was really strange --
Seriously, why?
Im just trying to share, you bitch.
Last night, I had a pretty cool dream. In the dream, I was in high school, hanging out near my locker, with friends around. Julia Roberts walked up (a High School version of her). She was wearing a t-shirt with a college logo on it... some place in Hawaii. We were friends. We started talking and I said, I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamed you were a famous movie star.
We both had a good laugh.
I have recently been thinking about something I heard (probably on these very boards) that Dj vu could be a form of genetic memory. We know animals pass down instincts from generation to generation and the idea that memory is passed down through our genes is pretty interesting. Yes, usually those dj vu memories seem modern and detailed, but who knows if our minds put them in modern context?
Im reading a book about the origins of virtue, from a genetic and social context. Shark pulls up to a specific spot, little fish come around and give him a good cleaning. Teeth, skin, whatever. When hes done, he gives a signal that hes ready to eat again, and the little cleaner fish take off and hide. He doesnt eat them because its easier to catch and eat a random fish, than to replace a good cleaner fish. Good help is hard to find.
Some scientist took a big ol coy fish or something and raised it in a tank. It was a type of fish that, in the wild, use cleaner fish. After it got all big, he introduced a cleaner fish into his tank (the type his kind usually used).
As expected, perhaps, it didnt eat the fish. The conclusion was that this was past what could be explained by instinct. Instinct would be to eat the fish. Not eating a fish and allowing it to clean you (despite not being dirty, since it was raised in the tank), should have been a learned behavior. Or passed down genetic memory.
Dreams, on the other hand? It is said, may be the rewinding of our memories.
As I mentioned in the other journal entry, Ive only had one dream Ive though was prophecy. In the dream, I came upon an outdoor concert. Lawn, chairs, small stage. It was before the concert, and people were milling about. In the sparse crowds I saw what I knew was a future version of me. The future me had a long leather duster kind of thing, and the kind of hair I had when I was younger (longish and tumbled).
The future me was with a woman with an indeterminate face. Blondish, shortish, and very sweet.
Now, let me say for the record, if any part of this supposed prophecy dream was symbolism, its the physical details. Ill never have the kind of hair I had in my dream (unless I pull an old Braveheart wig or something) and the slight blond girl thing is fine; but slight blonds dont date me and Im attracted to all kinds of different looks in women.
I talked to the woman, about my future self and she was very excited about getting to talk to a younger version of her mate. I woke with a profound feeling of this will come true someday.
The prophecy hasnt come true (which was the main theme of my other entry), but it has warped my dream landscape a little. Occasionally, when Im feeling lucid in my dreams, I remember about the girl and go hunting for her. Its actually become a little bit of a burden; it remains this odd test of faith every day it doesnt come true.
I had another dream in the series just a few months ago. I was in High School... the town that I attended Elementary school in. In that dream I was in love with a girl, whos name I cant recall. She was a farmers daughter and there was a feeling of a full life in the dream... that we had been together for a time. The last time I saw her, before I woke up, we were in the living room of her parents house... a huge, open, raised up room with giant bay window overlooking an endless sea of wheat. Golden sunlight filled the room and shined through her beautiful blond hair.
I think that one, if anything, was childhood memory... combined with speculation. When I was a kid, I lived in the country. My kindergarten sweetheart (at least on my end) was this beautifully blond tressed girl... you might be reading a play based loosely on it recently, if youre here with any regularity. I think a subconscious wish to recapture childhood... and a what could have been... seeped into my dreamscape.
Or maybe one of my ancestors was a farmers son, who loved a beautiful farmers daughter.
Either way, sometimes sleep makes life harder than it needs to be.
In a different play, I wrote a scene once where two cousins are waiting for friends at a bar. As one cousin is lamenting over her best friend finding a boyfriend, the other cousin tries to tell her about a dream she had.
I had the strangest dream last night.
Blah, blah, guess what Kyle did last night. Blah, blah, I wanna have Kyles babies.
I was in this house... from when I was a kid, I guess. With the forest across the street. Remember that house, Megan?
Rach, why do people think their dreams are interesting to other people?
No, no, this was really strange --
Seriously, why?
Im just trying to share, you bitch.
Last night, I had a pretty cool dream. In the dream, I was in high school, hanging out near my locker, with friends around. Julia Roberts walked up (a High School version of her). She was wearing a t-shirt with a college logo on it... some place in Hawaii. We were friends. We started talking and I said, I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamed you were a famous movie star.
We both had a good laugh.
My name is relevant to your story?
i agree with your dawn of dead gripes...eternal sunshine is fantastic tho!