I was raised in a Republican household. I want to make it clear, the current President is not Republican. Nor is most of the party he represents. My Republican father has a saying that pretty much sums up the true Republican platform: Your rights end at the tip of my nose.
Republicans do not spy on their own citizens. In fact, one of the reasons Republicans love guns so much is so when the Democratic big brother government comes knocking, they can blast them back to the pot smoking hippy dens they came from.
Republicans abhore government spending. Republicans want you to get off your lazy ass and work for a living. They do not want to run the county into trillion dollar debt. Sure, they may give some money to their big business partners... but better free commerce than big government.
I'm not sure what Bush is, but he's not Republican.
I went off a while back on people that were being annoyed at Chris Reeves. Basically, in case you're wondering, I'm pro stem cells. To make things clear, I'd be all for letting women farm their eggs out straight up, donate or sell, to clinics to do research. I certainly would donate the millions of sperm I've washed down the shower to the cause. Basically, about the only moral issue I have would be to cut up actual born babies for parts.
But I'm slightly off topic here.
Bush's recent veto of the stem cell legislation is really more of the same of the last 8 years. To call Bush a cockcucker is to use the term in the literal sense. Everytime he comes up to the podium to talk, he has to wipe the special interest/pandering goo from his chin and take a deep swallow so his words don't come out like he's under water. What a fucking douche bag.
I listen to other opinions, but here's the rules. If you're for fertilzation for couples that can't conceive on their own, you're done. Seriously, you have no argument. Because the only, the only question that matters, is a yes or no one: you would rather see unused, fertilized eggs, thrown in a fucking dumpster, then used to potentially help people. Yes or no. Yeah, it's a narrow question. But, despite all the media telling you otherwise, it's a narrow issue.
Once you're okay with the artifical fertilization of humans for the sole purpose to procreate, all the other arguments along those lines become white noise when you're talking to me.
Anyway, back to Bush. Veto's something every single segment of America is for:
Stem Cell Research: Support Oppose
Evangelical white Protestants 50% 40
White Catholics 54 35
Non-evangelical white Protestants 70 18
Conservatives 44% 44
Moderates 63 26
Liberals 76 14
Republicans 49% 37
Independents 62 26
Democrats 65 27
Legal 76% 15
Illegal 39 50
Whites 60% 29
Blacks 48 44
Except for the people who think abortion should be legal. But, let's be clear, 100% of them think abortion should be legal, but only 50% of that group oppose it. The overall approval is around 70%
And there's no accountability. Lame dick President.
The saddness is, if Reagan would have lived long enough and been sentient long enough to get into this argument, I think it would have been different. The aformentioned Reeves did a lot of work, but I wonder how easy it is for Bush to dismiss Nancy Reagan's pleading as "the vapors" or somesuch. Ron would have stood up and inserted his boot right up into Bush's ass, looking for stem cells.
Anyone left, after all that poor reading you had to do? Little ADD culture monkeys? Big business should do the research, I hear you chattering?
Hey, that's fair. People that can't walk, should have to pay $1,000 of dollars for the privledge of your pill. Your propriatary design. Lazy asshole, wheeling around with all that disposable cash at their fingertips. Oh, the insurance will pay for it... if anyone has insurance by that time. Oh, and, anyway, that company's going to charge the rest of us $30 for a bottle of asprin to make up for it. Or get the government to bail them out at the end.
So, I guess there will be federal funding in the long run.
Yes, I have a friend in a wheelchair. One of my best, in fact. And I would pull unborn fetuses out of the Bush twins with my bare hands if I think it would help her walk again.
So fuck you, George W., you imitation President, imposter Republican, and sorry excuse for a man. For the first time in my life I really hope your God exists... 'cause if he does, you're going to burn in Hell and I'll be right beside you, poking you with a stick.
Republicans do not spy on their own citizens. In fact, one of the reasons Republicans love guns so much is so when the Democratic big brother government comes knocking, they can blast them back to the pot smoking hippy dens they came from.
Republicans abhore government spending. Republicans want you to get off your lazy ass and work for a living. They do not want to run the county into trillion dollar debt. Sure, they may give some money to their big business partners... but better free commerce than big government.
I'm not sure what Bush is, but he's not Republican.
I went off a while back on people that were being annoyed at Chris Reeves. Basically, in case you're wondering, I'm pro stem cells. To make things clear, I'd be all for letting women farm their eggs out straight up, donate or sell, to clinics to do research. I certainly would donate the millions of sperm I've washed down the shower to the cause. Basically, about the only moral issue I have would be to cut up actual born babies for parts.
But I'm slightly off topic here.
Bush's recent veto of the stem cell legislation is really more of the same of the last 8 years. To call Bush a cockcucker is to use the term in the literal sense. Everytime he comes up to the podium to talk, he has to wipe the special interest/pandering goo from his chin and take a deep swallow so his words don't come out like he's under water. What a fucking douche bag.
I listen to other opinions, but here's the rules. If you're for fertilzation for couples that can't conceive on their own, you're done. Seriously, you have no argument. Because the only, the only question that matters, is a yes or no one: you would rather see unused, fertilized eggs, thrown in a fucking dumpster, then used to potentially help people. Yes or no. Yeah, it's a narrow question. But, despite all the media telling you otherwise, it's a narrow issue.
Once you're okay with the artifical fertilization of humans for the sole purpose to procreate, all the other arguments along those lines become white noise when you're talking to me.
Anyway, back to Bush. Veto's something every single segment of America is for:
Stem Cell Research: Support Oppose
Evangelical white Protestants 50% 40
White Catholics 54 35
Non-evangelical white Protestants 70 18
Conservatives 44% 44
Moderates 63 26
Liberals 76 14
Republicans 49% 37
Independents 62 26
Democrats 65 27
Legal 76% 15
Illegal 39 50
Whites 60% 29
Blacks 48 44
Except for the people who think abortion should be legal. But, let's be clear, 100% of them think abortion should be legal, but only 50% of that group oppose it. The overall approval is around 70%
And there's no accountability. Lame dick President.
The saddness is, if Reagan would have lived long enough and been sentient long enough to get into this argument, I think it would have been different. The aformentioned Reeves did a lot of work, but I wonder how easy it is for Bush to dismiss Nancy Reagan's pleading as "the vapors" or somesuch. Ron would have stood up and inserted his boot right up into Bush's ass, looking for stem cells.
Anyone left, after all that poor reading you had to do? Little ADD culture monkeys? Big business should do the research, I hear you chattering?
Hey, that's fair. People that can't walk, should have to pay $1,000 of dollars for the privledge of your pill. Your propriatary design. Lazy asshole, wheeling around with all that disposable cash at their fingertips. Oh, the insurance will pay for it... if anyone has insurance by that time. Oh, and, anyway, that company's going to charge the rest of us $30 for a bottle of asprin to make up for it. Or get the government to bail them out at the end.
So, I guess there will be federal funding in the long run.
Yes, I have a friend in a wheelchair. One of my best, in fact. And I would pull unborn fetuses out of the Bush twins with my bare hands if I think it would help her walk again.
So fuck you, George W., you imitation President, imposter Republican, and sorry excuse for a man. For the first time in my life I really hope your God exists... 'cause if he does, you're going to burn in Hell and I'll be right beside you, poking you with a stick.
Most leaders tend to be a mixed bag in my opinion. I'll agree with them on some choices they make and disagree with other decisions. It's very distressing to me to recognize that there's almost nothing he has done that I've supported. Virtually every decision has resulted in a worsening of the matter at hand rather than an improvement.
This isn't a democratic versus republican idealism situation. And thank you for articulating that. Of course, the party whose badge he wears suffers much of the reputation damage and I think that will be a problem for a long time to come.
I have long regretted that a candidate pretty much has to be a member of one of these two parties to have any reasonable chance at being elected. Our choices... and pool of candidates... is much too narrow to be an accurate reflection of the wishes of the American people. A shame. A breath of fresh air sure would be welcome.