This should be a short update. I am currently job hunting. I know I'm not a hot blond with an ass that tastes like french vanilla ice cream, but if anyone knows of any design work opening, let me know. I can do straight up graphic design (I'm a type ninja), web design, a little after-effects (teaching myself right now), writing, art direction, whatever.
I added a bunch of new pics, mostly in the design and illustration sections. I filled out that big listy thing to the left, there. You may have already seen the giant block of text.
I've been home, so I'm a little more active on the boards. I've also posted in a strange journal or two, for fun and profit.
My oldest cat (18 or 19) had gone deaf. Very annoying. He meows very loud because, well, he can't hear himself. And he can't hear me tell him to shut the fuck up. Combine that with his normal cat neurosis, his extra neurosis from being my cat, his old man cat neurosis, his been indoors all his life neurosis, and the fact that I've been feeding him too much human food and he's a bundle of meow and fur about to meet with an untimely "accident".
Naw, I'd too soft on him. I've started giving him this arthritis powder so his aching joints feel better (it's been about five years since he's been able to jump... he climbs, clumsily, on anything he wants up on), so that's probably prolonged his life even more.
I've updated my website with some cool After-Effects graphics. You just need the normal Flash 8 plug-in to see the opening. Same old work on it, just new interface. Prolly change it again in a week or two, just to learn more things in AE and keep myself sharp while I waste away single and unemployed.
I thought about doing a formal Superman review, but the short answer is I liked it a lot and I hope the next one is as good as the difference between X-Men 1 and 2 was.
Oh! I saw this burnout scale in some brainiac magazine. I'm not really on the list, on account of me being so calm and jobless, but you might be. To encourage interaction, here's the list and you can tell me where you are on it.
12 Steps of burnout
1) A compulsion to Prove yourself. Excess ambition and determination
2) Working harder. Taking on more work handling everything yourself
3) Neglecting your needs. Dismissing sleep, eating, friends and family. These sacrifices are proof of heroics.
4) Displacement of conflicts. Being aware something is wrong, but cannot see the source of the problems. Physical symptoms may start.
5) Revision of values. Isolation, conflict avoidance, denial of basic physical needs. Self-worth entirely job related.
6) Denial. Intolerance, perceiving colleagues as stupid or lazy. Cynicism.
7) Withdrawal. Also may seek release through alcohol and drugs.
8) Obvious behavioral changes. Fearful, shy, apathetic. Increased feelings of worthlessness.
9) Depersonalization. Perception of time narrows to the present.
10) Inner emptiness. To overcome, may overreact with exaggerated sexuality, overeating, drugs or alcohol.
11) Depression. Indifference, hopelessness, life loses meaning.
12) Burnout. Suicidal thoughts, physical or mental collapse. Seek immediate medical attention.
Always leave them laughing.
I added a bunch of new pics, mostly in the design and illustration sections. I filled out that big listy thing to the left, there. You may have already seen the giant block of text.
I've been home, so I'm a little more active on the boards. I've also posted in a strange journal or two, for fun and profit.
My oldest cat (18 or 19) had gone deaf. Very annoying. He meows very loud because, well, he can't hear himself. And he can't hear me tell him to shut the fuck up. Combine that with his normal cat neurosis, his extra neurosis from being my cat, his old man cat neurosis, his been indoors all his life neurosis, and the fact that I've been feeding him too much human food and he's a bundle of meow and fur about to meet with an untimely "accident".
Naw, I'd too soft on him. I've started giving him this arthritis powder so his aching joints feel better (it's been about five years since he's been able to jump... he climbs, clumsily, on anything he wants up on), so that's probably prolonged his life even more.
I've updated my website with some cool After-Effects graphics. You just need the normal Flash 8 plug-in to see the opening. Same old work on it, just new interface. Prolly change it again in a week or two, just to learn more things in AE and keep myself sharp while I waste away single and unemployed.
I thought about doing a formal Superman review, but the short answer is I liked it a lot and I hope the next one is as good as the difference between X-Men 1 and 2 was.
Oh! I saw this burnout scale in some brainiac magazine. I'm not really on the list, on account of me being so calm and jobless, but you might be. To encourage interaction, here's the list and you can tell me where you are on it.
12 Steps of burnout
1) A compulsion to Prove yourself. Excess ambition and determination
2) Working harder. Taking on more work handling everything yourself
3) Neglecting your needs. Dismissing sleep, eating, friends and family. These sacrifices are proof of heroics.
4) Displacement of conflicts. Being aware something is wrong, but cannot see the source of the problems. Physical symptoms may start.
5) Revision of values. Isolation, conflict avoidance, denial of basic physical needs. Self-worth entirely job related.
6) Denial. Intolerance, perceiving colleagues as stupid or lazy. Cynicism.
7) Withdrawal. Also may seek release through alcohol and drugs.
8) Obvious behavioral changes. Fearful, shy, apathetic. Increased feelings of worthlessness.
9) Depersonalization. Perception of time narrows to the present.
10) Inner emptiness. To overcome, may overreact with exaggerated sexuality, overeating, drugs or alcohol.
11) Depression. Indifference, hopelessness, life loses meaning.
12) Burnout. Suicidal thoughts, physical or mental collapse. Seek immediate medical attention.
Always leave them laughing.

mah HARR so emBARRassink