I'm watching this show on tv. I'm watching tv?
I'm watching "Rescue Me'. Well, it's on behind me and I occassionaly get distracted by the sounds and pictures.. Kind of wierd..
This weekend, I'm going to DreamFields so I can get away and not blow my top like I've been feeling I will.. Anyone else going? Anyone ever hear of this thing/organization/I don't know? Tomorrow is my last day of work, then I had something that afternoon that I forget.. Probably just the entire clean-up of my room.. Thursday morning is going to UWM to buy my books, and thursday afternoon is my appointment. Thursday night is conquer my closet, where things are piled waist high.
Friday morning is pack up/get things ready for DreamFields, and then friday-sunday, I'll be gone, camping, in a tent, being forced to eat healthy food, relax, and listen to trance and goa music (what is goa?) all weekend.
Monday/tuesday is finishing packing and leaving my life for the past 18.6 years behind, and wednesday, I move into my dorm. No, my roommate has not yet called me back.
The rash on my stomach is looking worse. I cannot stop scratching, and it's spread a little to the sides. When we go to the doctor sometime in the next 7 days, I'll have to have him look at it.
The bleeder is here (finally), with a vengeance. Two days late, too, so I freaked the fuck out.. Though..there really couldn't have been anything wrong, you know..Heh.
I slept in the sunshine today. At work. I went outside, laid on the little hill, and watched the clouds and the blue sky.
I can't remember what else I was going to say.. I still need to get a new computer for school. The one I was going to take is being even more difficult and it works so slow. Also, when you go online, as soon as a webpage to anywhere loads, it transfers you to Yahoo! Mail right away.. I don't know what it is/how it started/why/how to stop it. I had opened msn (homepage), had a window for hotmail open, and SG.. As each finished loading, it went right to Yahoo.. Click the back button, goes back..then back again to Yahoo. I didn't really bother finding out what the problem was or anything because I got too angry too fast..
Soo.. If anyone has suggestions... And that piece is what I want to put WoW on..hah! *must get new machine*
My sister and I used to watch Speed Racer when we were wee young ones. We'd turn it on, because we'd know we'd have a good laugh coming. She bought the dvds of all the episodes a few weeks ago. We're going to watch them sometime, one big marathon. It'll be like fifteen years ago all over again. For many long hours.
"As champion of the West Side Grunters and Groaners, I promise you are in for a lot of groaning!"

This weekend, I'm going to DreamFields so I can get away and not blow my top like I've been feeling I will.. Anyone else going? Anyone ever hear of this thing/organization/I don't know? Tomorrow is my last day of work, then I had something that afternoon that I forget.. Probably just the entire clean-up of my room.. Thursday morning is going to UWM to buy my books, and thursday afternoon is my appointment. Thursday night is conquer my closet, where things are piled waist high.
Friday morning is pack up/get things ready for DreamFields, and then friday-sunday, I'll be gone, camping, in a tent, being forced to eat healthy food, relax, and listen to trance and goa music (what is goa?) all weekend.
Monday/tuesday is finishing packing and leaving my life for the past 18.6 years behind, and wednesday, I move into my dorm. No, my roommate has not yet called me back.

The rash on my stomach is looking worse. I cannot stop scratching, and it's spread a little to the sides. When we go to the doctor sometime in the next 7 days, I'll have to have him look at it.
The bleeder is here (finally), with a vengeance. Two days late, too, so I freaked the fuck out.. Though..there really couldn't have been anything wrong, you know..Heh.


I slept in the sunshine today. At work. I went outside, laid on the little hill, and watched the clouds and the blue sky.
I can't remember what else I was going to say.. I still need to get a new computer for school. The one I was going to take is being even more difficult and it works so slow. Also, when you go online, as soon as a webpage to anywhere loads, it transfers you to Yahoo! Mail right away.. I don't know what it is/how it started/why/how to stop it. I had opened msn (homepage), had a window for hotmail open, and SG.. As each finished loading, it went right to Yahoo.. Click the back button, goes back..then back again to Yahoo. I didn't really bother finding out what the problem was or anything because I got too angry too fast..

My sister and I used to watch Speed Racer when we were wee young ones. We'd turn it on, because we'd know we'd have a good laugh coming. She bought the dvds of all the episodes a few weeks ago. We're going to watch them sometime, one big marathon. It'll be like fifteen years ago all over again. For many long hours.

"As champion of the West Side Grunters and Groaners, I promise you are in for a lot of groaning!"
I looked at books yesterday. One of them was like $75 used, so I was like "Screw that" and I left. I'm gonna try to find it online or something.