If you find this girl
please return to the address clearly printed on the sticker:
My sister put that there, on my boob. Although, since one could still read the address and I didn't want to make the picture smaller to make it unreadable, hence making my boobs smaller (the main concern, I assure you), I just painted it out so you can't read it.. I don't need any stalkers..
Thank you everyone who left me a comment.
It's a comfort to know that more people than just who's in the family/know our family cares. I read through them all with a smile about
that big. My mother is now back home and safe from the doctors and machines once again. They gave her a stress test monday morning, and I guess found nothing wrong (
) so they let her come home.
We were surprised when she mentioned to us afterwards that it wasn't ever that bad the other times it happened, so she doesn't know what happened this time. The other times? We looked at eachother and let things just slide.. I'm a bit worried, now that I have those words in my head.. I'm worried that if there is a next time, she'll just not say anything again and hope it goes away..
So, sue the camera whore..
I took these pictures last night. I thought I looked good.
I told my sister that I had an online journal type thing, then told her it was here, and then my screen name. So, if she actually reads, this, hi!
Here we are:
Just as I was writing that, I got a letter from UWM, stating my tuition and fees. $3111.96. I do not have more than $1800 in my account, which I kind of wanted to save half of it, because for winter break, I'm going away for a few weeks..and if I hardly work during school, well.. I'll need money somehow. Ugh. How am I supposed to do this? (she cried out, as she went on her way to buy a few concert tickets...
I linked to this the other day, but it's looking more and more like I'm just not going to get to OzzFest.
I just have no idea what to do, where to go, how I get a hold of a ticket (duh, buy it online - but do they mail it to you or what? That wouldn't be enough time.), and no one around here seems to know either. As in, my friends who I could, you know, ask to go with me..if they wanted to, or even had an idea of what this was. And I really don't want to go alone.. So.. I'm not going at the moment. *sniff*
Also, on August 12th, I will be here (re-edited to put a new working picture in)
for a concert. Edgerton. I have no idea what time it starts; I just realized that. It's a 2 hour drive, add in my tendency to get lost easily, that's 3 hours away (about 20 minutes south of Madison, they say. Lucky bastards.). Actually, I think it starts at 9 pm.
So, I'm going to have to leave here around what, 4 pm, just incase? There are four opening bands, too, plus *drools* Powerman 5000 (I've been dreaming of this for years!), so the show is going to get pretty fucking late... I'll be lucky if I'm home by, say, 4 am, right folks?
I'm kind of worried, because when it's dark out, I have a habit of..dozing off, especially while driving. The warmth, the vibrations of the car, the silence/hum of the vehicle really make me sleepy.. It's going to be an interesting ride home.. Has anyone ever actually slept in their car on the side of the road? I'd like this to be an option available to me, should I really start to feel it coming on, and since I don't have to work that next day anyway, I could easily sleep until it got lighter out with no worries. So, can anyone share a story/experience, so I feel better about considering that option?
"Young Woman Found Murdered Alongside The Interstate After She Pulls Over To Sleep"
I'm just keeeeding!
I am so very excited..
I think I'll have to make a thread in the WI group soon about that place/venue called "Big E's" in Edgerton, WI. I emailed the guy in charge, asking questions, and..well, what I got..didn't make my impression of the place better. He used no grammer, no punctuation, no sentence structures, couldn't spell... Nothing correctly, at all. So, I'm a tad bit worried about driving 3 hours for a concert in a place I've never seen/been to. Have any of you been there? I figure someone in the group has, and can tell me more..I hope.
The county fair is tonight - well, tonight is wristband night for all the rides. Of course I'm going. It's so humid outside, though, that I might die. I came home from work early because it felt like I was going to perish in that muggy heat. I could taste my sweat on my lips, and my undershirt (beater) was soaking through, and I felt very uncomfortable from my clothes. So I came home and stripped them all off and basked in the air conditioning til it became apparent I was too cold.
It's so tempting to keep going on with that description.. But I'll spare you guys.
I've been reading hefty amounts of romance novels lately, actually I go through about one a day, and I need to stop because I'm starting to feel very fricking frusterated. By the way, I already feel hornier than a goat, which is wierd because the timing is off, but nonetheless, reading porn without pictures is really not helping my situation out, but worsening it. Why are those dumb books so addicting?!
As for my friends, I have no idea what's going on with any of them. I'm trying to take it all one day at a time with each one of them, because we're all struggling in our own heaps of problems.. I'm feeling a bit sad when I think about what these relationships might come to later on..Because it might be completely out of my hands; inevitable events..
I guess that's all for now.. I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I have.
PS. I do have to add that Apnea and Benni's new set for today may be one of my favorites.. Complete..hotness..in every..picture.. I must go add them to my favorite SG photos.. *looks through set millions of times more*
Seriously, who can make it through the set without creaming themselves?!

please return to the address clearly printed on the sticker:

My sister put that there, on my boob. Although, since one could still read the address and I didn't want to make the picture smaller to make it unreadable, hence making my boobs smaller (the main concern, I assure you), I just painted it out so you can't read it.. I don't need any stalkers..
Thank you everyone who left me a comment.

We were surprised when she mentioned to us afterwards that it wasn't ever that bad the other times it happened, so she doesn't know what happened this time. The other times? We looked at eachother and let things just slide.. I'm a bit worried, now that I have those words in my head.. I'm worried that if there is a next time, she'll just not say anything again and hope it goes away..

So, sue the camera whore..

I told my sister that I had an online journal type thing, then told her it was here, and then my screen name. So, if she actually reads, this, hi!

Here we are:

Just as I was writing that, I got a letter from UWM, stating my tuition and fees. $3111.96. I do not have more than $1800 in my account, which I kind of wanted to save half of it, because for winter break, I'm going away for a few weeks..and if I hardly work during school, well.. I'll need money somehow. Ugh. How am I supposed to do this? (she cried out, as she went on her way to buy a few concert tickets...

I linked to this the other day, but it's looking more and more like I'm just not going to get to OzzFest.

Also, on August 12th, I will be here (re-edited to put a new working picture in)

I'm kind of worried, because when it's dark out, I have a habit of..dozing off, especially while driving. The warmth, the vibrations of the car, the silence/hum of the vehicle really make me sleepy.. It's going to be an interesting ride home.. Has anyone ever actually slept in their car on the side of the road? I'd like this to be an option available to me, should I really start to feel it coming on, and since I don't have to work that next day anyway, I could easily sleep until it got lighter out with no worries. So, can anyone share a story/experience, so I feel better about considering that option?
"Young Woman Found Murdered Alongside The Interstate After She Pulls Over To Sleep"
I'm just keeeeding!

I am so very excited..

The county fair is tonight - well, tonight is wristband night for all the rides. Of course I'm going. It's so humid outside, though, that I might die. I came home from work early because it felt like I was going to perish in that muggy heat. I could taste my sweat on my lips, and my undershirt (beater) was soaking through, and I felt very uncomfortable from my clothes. So I came home and stripped them all off and basked in the air conditioning til it became apparent I was too cold.

It's so tempting to keep going on with that description.. But I'll spare you guys.

I've been reading hefty amounts of romance novels lately, actually I go through about one a day, and I need to stop because I'm starting to feel very fricking frusterated. By the way, I already feel hornier than a goat, which is wierd because the timing is off, but nonetheless, reading porn without pictures is really not helping my situation out, but worsening it. Why are those dumb books so addicting?!

As for my friends, I have no idea what's going on with any of them. I'm trying to take it all one day at a time with each one of them, because we're all struggling in our own heaps of problems.. I'm feeling a bit sad when I think about what these relationships might come to later on..Because it might be completely out of my hands; inevitable events..

I guess that's all for now.. I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I have.

PS. I do have to add that Apnea and Benni's new set for today may be one of my favorites.. Complete..hotness..in every..picture.. I must go add them to my favorite SG photos.. *looks through set millions of times more*

Seriously, who can make it through the set without creaming themselves?!
you need to be an SG