Everyone has been so nice. I'm glad I can come back here and read everyones comments and smile. Times are few and far between where I actually have time to do commenting of my own, but that will change.
I have next weekend off. I can either go to Madison, traverse elsewhere, or stay home. I'm undecided.
My boss has 'wedding' next to my name.
Something I've been waiting to do might happen this week. If so, there'll be pictures next week. But I'm not telling just yet. But I'm oh so very excited. It's been discussed a few times, although I'm starting to get that nervous feeling inside, whether I 'really want to do this or not'. I might smile a bit more afterwards, though.
Did I already mention I told my boss I'll go full time in summer? I'm starting early; this week, I work daily 12-6. Friday night, I'm considering brushing off my plans with these people here and leave fucktown as soon as I punch out on the time clock.
Jesse is back. I think we have him until my sister and her boyfriend find a place to move into. Already, he's taking over my bed. Apparently my ass is his new sleeping cushion. And I thought it was too small. Plus, he loves going under the covers... Typical male.
Sunsets aren't the same when you have to look behind you, and up, through a window with blinds to see the fading blue/gray light. In an empty house. Where did the reds and oranges and yellows and purples and blues go, where did the sun go? It seems I must settle with staring at the sun during the day so I can see a yellow here or there. But when the clouds go away (rainless bastards lately) and the sky is a light blue, I can tolerate that for a bit.
This weekend, two rabbits were hopping across our yard. The male would wait a minute or two, then advance on the female; she'd immediately jump out of the way, like a startled cat, and repeat. My mother brought this to my attention. I grabbed the camera hoping to get a few good pictures and laughs; I won't disclose how long I waited and watched and saw nothing of value. I won't comment any further on that.
I woke up today with some red thing on my neck, some sort of bite maybe. It's a big red bump with a tiny slash in the middle. Not a dot, a slash. It looks like a hickey, people say. Fucking gross, those are.
I also have rug-burn from the carpet in the family room. On my hand. My right knuckle. Here's the top.
Of course, people have been giving me a hard time about having a hickey and rug burn.
I'm bored. Sunday mornings suck because it's so slow here and there are no good threads and even if someone started one, it'd die because no one's online. I think I might scratch this thing open on my neck, peel the scab off on my knuckle, and pretend I'm dying. Or mutating, atleast, to make it fun.
I have next weekend off. I can either go to Madison, traverse elsewhere, or stay home. I'm undecided.
My boss has 'wedding' next to my name.

Something I've been waiting to do might happen this week. If so, there'll be pictures next week. But I'm not telling just yet. But I'm oh so very excited. It's been discussed a few times, although I'm starting to get that nervous feeling inside, whether I 'really want to do this or not'. I might smile a bit more afterwards, though.

Did I already mention I told my boss I'll go full time in summer? I'm starting early; this week, I work daily 12-6. Friday night, I'm considering brushing off my plans with these people here and leave fucktown as soon as I punch out on the time clock.
Jesse is back. I think we have him until my sister and her boyfriend find a place to move into. Already, he's taking over my bed. Apparently my ass is his new sleeping cushion. And I thought it was too small. Plus, he loves going under the covers... Typical male.

Sunsets aren't the same when you have to look behind you, and up, through a window with blinds to see the fading blue/gray light. In an empty house. Where did the reds and oranges and yellows and purples and blues go, where did the sun go? It seems I must settle with staring at the sun during the day so I can see a yellow here or there. But when the clouds go away (rainless bastards lately) and the sky is a light blue, I can tolerate that for a bit.
This weekend, two rabbits were hopping across our yard. The male would wait a minute or two, then advance on the female; she'd immediately jump out of the way, like a startled cat, and repeat. My mother brought this to my attention. I grabbed the camera hoping to get a few good pictures and laughs; I won't disclose how long I waited and watched and saw nothing of value. I won't comment any further on that.
I woke up today with some red thing on my neck, some sort of bite maybe. It's a big red bump with a tiny slash in the middle. Not a dot, a slash. It looks like a hickey, people say. Fucking gross, those are.
I also have rug-burn from the carpet in the family room. On my hand. My right knuckle. Here's the top.

Of course, people have been giving me a hard time about having a hickey and rug burn.

I'm bored. Sunday mornings suck because it's so slow here and there are no good threads and even if someone started one, it'd die because no one's online. I think I might scratch this thing open on my neck, peel the scab off on my knuckle, and pretend I'm dying. Or mutating, atleast, to make it fun.
WHATEVER this "thing" you've been waiting for is, I hope it works out. I can't think of a reason at all why it wouldn't....