Today, I learned that when someone wants a drink 'on the rocks', it means with ice. Who knew?
That coming from your future bartender.
Yep, right.
Day 1 is over with. I made it through the entire day.. All 9.5 hours of it.
My left elbow really hurts, though, something always hurts after work. Tomorrow it'll be the leg, and wednesday, my head, and you get the idea. Friday, something will just fall off. But really, my elbow is just so sore. You think I've never worked that long before..
Only four more days.. Then the two weekend days.. And then I get monday off. I think. Did I ask to work then, too? O, I don't know. I hope not.
Today, a friend told me that tomorrow afternoon, they're all going on a picnic to my favorite beach, and saturday, they are going to Six Flags. Of course they made sure to tell me now, after I offer to work all week and can't get out of it. Not one day before, and five days before is really cutting it close, considering my boss doesn't come in until tuesdays and four days in advance is just about unheard of. But I really wanted to get to Six Flags, everyone's been talking about it opening for the summer these past few weeks, and I had been hoping to ask everyone if they wanted to go in a few weeks.. I guess that answers that.
It's really quite sad that they've done that so many times to me, and I know it's intentional. "Well, we did invite you, but you couldn't go; its not our fault". They've all been hanging out lately and going places, and I never even hear about these things unless it's from someone else. When someone says, 'Well, I've got to help my mom with a few chores', they really mean, 'I'm going out with the group, but we're not inviting you, but you'll find this out later.' Next time its brought up, I'll ask that someone please put me out of my misery and finally just tell me that no one likes me so I can move on and forget these people. Dragging it out like this sucks.
Really, though, I'm too exhausted to be angry. I'll just sit here and wish ill things upon them.
I have no clue what else I wanted to say. Which sucks; I like documenting my thoughts for future reference. I suppose it's not a good sign when I can't come up with a thought to share..
*stares at screen for five minutes* My mother went to the library and checked out a load of cds for me to burn for her. Because I do it all neat and pretty and copy all the names of the songs down on the cd and stuff. I have 14 days to move my ass to do that.
I really just want to bitch and rant. So maybe I'll just go to bed. I'm having really ill thoughts about someone right now, and I think I'm enjoying being evil in my head a bit too much.. Must tone down the violence..
Sorry, no pictures yet.
I'm too tired to do anything. I think I might even pass on the library this week (god that hurts), which I shouldn't even be considering because I need to get stuff done. I come home and all I want to do is cry or sleep. Cry because my eyes are so dry, though crying would just make it worse.. Damn eyes.. What good are they..
Oh, and I'm feeling better about that bitch bit I mentioned a few days ago that absolutely no one reading this remembers. So I'll eleborate upon that tomorrow.
It more or less makes me feel like shit now, which technically, does make me a bitch out of me, but atleast I don't feel like it. Got it? 

Day 1 is over with. I made it through the entire day.. All 9.5 hours of it.

Today, a friend told me that tomorrow afternoon, they're all going on a picnic to my favorite beach, and saturday, they are going to Six Flags. Of course they made sure to tell me now, after I offer to work all week and can't get out of it. Not one day before, and five days before is really cutting it close, considering my boss doesn't come in until tuesdays and four days in advance is just about unheard of. But I really wanted to get to Six Flags, everyone's been talking about it opening for the summer these past few weeks, and I had been hoping to ask everyone if they wanted to go in a few weeks.. I guess that answers that.
It's really quite sad that they've done that so many times to me, and I know it's intentional. "Well, we did invite you, but you couldn't go; its not our fault". They've all been hanging out lately and going places, and I never even hear about these things unless it's from someone else. When someone says, 'Well, I've got to help my mom with a few chores', they really mean, 'I'm going out with the group, but we're not inviting you, but you'll find this out later.' Next time its brought up, I'll ask that someone please put me out of my misery and finally just tell me that no one likes me so I can move on and forget these people. Dragging it out like this sucks.
Really, though, I'm too exhausted to be angry. I'll just sit here and wish ill things upon them.

I have no clue what else I wanted to say. Which sucks; I like documenting my thoughts for future reference. I suppose it's not a good sign when I can't come up with a thought to share..

I really just want to bitch and rant. So maybe I'll just go to bed. I'm having really ill thoughts about someone right now, and I think I'm enjoying being evil in my head a bit too much.. Must tone down the violence..

Sorry, no pictures yet.

Oh, and I'm feeling better about that bitch bit I mentioned a few days ago that absolutely no one reading this remembers. So I'll eleborate upon that tomorrow.

Wow 9.5 hours that's a lot of time, I worked 8 and got home uber tired... Where do you work?
Sorry to hear that about your friends, they obviously don't deserve your time